Delicious Arsenic

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A blue stream carries a red, wayward ship to a destination unknown. A sudden adrenaline rush takes hold and rationality dies a violent death in the alley of aubergine essence.

Shapes contort in the static of too many screens. Unrecognizable and warped, they twist to the sound of backmasking. Luos ym snekcis dna seye ym snosiop weiv eht. Grey matter eroded and missing in action, the lion is off the leash.

When the storm comes, the witch is the lightning rod. Comfort comes in covering up in the bloody, discarded pieces of you. The scraps aren't enough, but the body can't get enough. The fabric is tainted with the intoxicating flavor of strawberry jam and the stench of spent nuclear rods.

Fever dreams rev the engine and flip the hourglass on its head again and again. Live the nightmare and sleep under the cover of stitched misery. The figure that looms overhead taunts with false promises of the pleasure of a soul's release.

Load another bullet and roll the cylinder. It's time for another round.

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