Chapter Five

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Hi Well I Just. Wanna say that I haven't been updating for long because I really didn't feel like writing al though many of you might not be tuning in though!


Alexa's POV

That's it I made it! Today is the last day of school. Finally! "Alexa come down here!" My mother yelled. I went down stairs for breakfast. "Hey, mom I was wondering, can I bring my friends to Miami with me?" I asked hopefully.

"Alexa, that depends on their parents, not me." Okay then. My best friend loves right next door to me. Why not ask her right now. "Mom, brb!" I yelled. I ran upstairs and got dressed ate my breakfast and then I ran over to Natalia's house, hoping Jason didn't drive her to school.

Knock knock. Jason opened the door. "Hey Alls, what's up?" He asked casually. "Hey Jason, is Natalia here?" I asked. "Yeah, hey Nat! Alexa's here!!"he yelled. "Oh and just so you know, me and Nat are going to spend a lot of time together, so I'm sorry if I can't fit any time to hangout with you... And the others" he said.

That kind of disappointed me. "Sure, I guess This gives me more time flirting with this guy at the library." I joked. "What!" He said shocked. "Kidding, I'm just kidding." I said as he sighed in relief. Then walking towards us came Natalia. "So what's up?" She asked.

" Naty, you want me to drive you to school?" I asked. "Of course this way we can plan for our spring breaks trip!" She said excited. "Jason, you wanna come too?" I asked. "Nah I'm good. Before me and Natalia could leave he grabbed me by the arm.and kissed me on the cheek.

"See yah later cupcake." He said. I blushed. He called me cupcake aww so cute. And thus let the inner fangirling begin. He smirked as he waves good bye. "So, tell me." I said as I buckled up my seatbelt. "How are you liking the house?" I asked. "Well, first it was devastating and I literally couldn't stop playing with Alice, and hanging out with mom, dad and Jason.I love telling them about me." She said

"So, your biological father. Tell me about him." I knew it was rude to ask but I was to curious to hesitate. "Well, daddy would always abuse of me. one time mom was late from work and she found daddy on the couch asleep, but she couldn't find me. I was too scared. I was hiding under my bed the whole time Daddy was supposed to take care of me.

I remember when he woke up he took mom by her hair and slapped her across the face for not getting home in time. Daddy had this drinking problem. Also one day he had brought home a woman. When I got home from school I found him trying to get her naked. He had beat me for that." Natalia shivered at the thought.

I hugged her tight."I promise, no one will ever hurt you. And if the even think about it, their gonna have to get through me first. And your brother!

When we got to school, Natalia, Jason, Daniela, Nicole, and Tyler were all taking about spring break. "Nicole and Daniela and Tyler are allowed to come!" I screamed excited. "Yup, that's right babe!" Replied Nicole.

"I don't know, I mean Florida is where all those bad memories happened." Said Natalia. "Don't worry, your dads dead remember" I stated.

"Okay, what the hell is going on here!?" Shouted Nicole. "Your happy your Dad died?!" She asked shocked.

"Her dad used to abuse of her, and he died a few days ago in a car accident so he can't hurt her anymore." Said Jason. "Okay that makes much more sense now." Said Tyler.

"Okay I Love all of you guys, but we should get going, testing a ate today and the parking lot is nearly empty." Said Daniela this time. "Yeah she's right." Said Tyler. "Then out we go!" I said. Jason chuckled and nodded.

"Spring break plans are going to have to be on hold for a few hours." I said. This time everyone laughed. Ahhhh, I lovey friends

A/N alright this part was kind of confusing because it says that they were surprised when Natalia was happy her dad died. But they were there when Jason and Natalia gave the news that they were siblings. So yeah I guess I forgot about that. So sorry.

I know it was confusing so I apologize and just pretend that they were not shocked in this chapter.

Carry on.

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