Chapter 25

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What's up my fellow readers? So I was wondering if you guys wanted another chapter. Whatever your answer may be. I'm still writing anyways. I have decided that the chapters will take a little more of an extra time to actually be published because the length of the chapter might take a while, and then you add the editing. The writing takes a lot out from you and just reading the story after you have written it is just tiring. 

And since we have such a good spell check, then I have to re read it. Also since writing has taken much energy the sign off's are bad. I mean really bad. It was so stupid. I have been meaning to talk to you guys about events that happened last chapter but I was too tired to. And the RFF's are bad too. If anyone wants them out please comment or send me a message if you would like them out. Because if you guys don't like them then, I will take them out of the following chapters. Also last chapter was kind of boring at first cuz they were running errands sorry about that, they had to keep them selves busy until the grand finally. 

Well, I hope today I will be able to do what ever the heck I can get done and then possibly tomorrow or later on I'll edit and to the sign off's. I have also been feeling like no one is reading my story anymore. Has it gotten too, boring to read already. And I was also thinking of not continuing the story. I don't have any comments on the stories so maybe it's time for the life of 'Spring Break' to come to an end. If you don't want the story to end PLEASE leave a comment. If you do PLEASE leave a comment. And if I don't have any comments, which I normally don't, then, I guess no oe is reading.

Well, empty audience, Enjoy.

Alexa's POV 

Here I am at the Miami Music makes Festival at exactly 5:49 and I'm here with Nikki, Tyler, and Daniela. But there is no sign of Natalia.  I had known it was really weird of her to want to go alone. There was something wrong. I bit my nails nervously as I felt the butterflies in my stomach bungee jump faster and faster with each passing breath. 

"Allie, don't worry she will be here, soon." Said Daniela as she placed her hand on my shoulder making me flinch. "Plus you're ruining your manicure, and let's not forget who painted them for you." Said Nikki as she pointed to herself. "Yeah, she is probably stuck in traffic." Said Tyler.

"No, you guys. I am not over reacting. I really don't like the fact that she wanted to go alone. I mean why would she?" I asked the others. "Well, think of it, Allie. She was almost, well, someone tried to do something to her, something bad. Maybe she just wants time to think, alone. If she were with us, she would have a serious face on all the time deep in thought. And then she would be sure, that nothing was wrong and she would have gotten irritated." Said Nicole. 

"Since when did you become so smart?" Asked Tyler. Nicole rolled her eyes at him, then pushed him slightly. 

" I know you have a point there, Nicole, but is just that something does not feel  right. Like there was something bad going on. And it's driving me nuts!!" I said pulling on my hair, nervously.

"Don't stress it, she'll be fine, she is most likely in the parking lot. Relax." Said, Tyler grabbing my shoulders and shaking me a little.

But then the fears crept back into my mind and started picking at my brain. What if. What if, what if, what if. That was one of my worst enemies in fear. It stuffed my brain with unwanted thoughts, all with using my imagination against me. Yes, What If, was a bad one. "Wait, you don't think she went somewhere else do you? Because it would totally make sense if she did." I said.

"No, she wouldn't miss this. Relax. your going to get breakouts and it's going to be miserable for you." Said Nicole. 

"Plus, you are ruining our time here." Said Tyler. I just had to smile at that. "Oh, shut up, you doof!" I said, teasing him.

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