Chapter 23

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Ok, so, I hope you guys liked chapter 22!! But who the heck is Kreig Dawnahan ?! He's not in my contact list, that's for sure!! So the story is leading up to something BIG and it may or may not be in this chapter. So if your curious just click read, and you will know. So I hope you enjoy this Darlings!! Also shout out to CharlotteRoseStroud, the coolest person in the world. Please read her stories she is Fantastic!!! 

Hope you like this Chapter, lots of Love from me :D


James POV 

I swallowed and began. "Kreig Dawnahan is the person who killed by best friend while I was away." I said. Alexa looked shocked and so did the others. " What?" said Alexa, barely audible. 

I started to tell the story on how it went

"Well, a time when I was 16, I had left Florida to go to Michigan because I had just got the news that my Aunt was sick and there was a possible chance that she might die, so we packed our stuff and left from Florida for a short while." I paused

"Turns out we stayed for two months. And I had to start a new school and I did nt know anyone there, so I was terrified. Through out time, I pretty much made one friend. His name was Erik. The guy was so cool, and nice to a new kid. We made great over the time, then one night..." I stopped, not wanting to think of the terrible memories. 

"One night, we were at a party and suddenly we got crashers. They were a bunch of delinquents from school. A bunch of guys, Fernando, Kreig, and their leader, Angel.

"Angel and and Erik got in a fight, and bad thing, Erik punched Angel and then left taking me with him, while we were leaving, the other delinquents came back and started punching at kicking and hurting Erik, of course I tried to help him."

"One of the guys , jumped on top of Erik and I of course I had to help him. I grabbed the guy and threw him on the floor."

"Before I knew it We were getting into a fist fight."

Flashback*~**~*~**~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~ While James is also telling them the story at the same time

{At the part where they are outside walking and the guys come and start fighting}

"C'mon, James, let's get out of here before these idiots catch up with." Said Erik, his nostrils flaring and I could hear the rage in his voice. We had just gotten to a party and now we had to go. "Coming dude." I said. "Hey, you two!!!" I heard an angry voice yell. 

Erik turned around, he obviously new who it was. "What!!" Erik snapped. "I'm not done with you!!" Said the voice. I turned around to find Angel clenching his hands into fists, harder with each and every second that past, he held them tighter. 

"WANT A PIECE OF ME? How about I give you a knuckle sandwich!!" Said Erik, then they started punching and hitting each other."STOP!!" I begged, but it was no use. One of the guys jumped on top of Erik. "BRO! HELP ME!!!" Pleaded Erik. I pulled the guy off Erik. And he tried to punch me in the gut, but missed. Erik turned him around and punched him straight in the jaw.

The next thing I knew Angel punched Erik in the face, and Erik punched back. "Get, the guy!!" Angel demanded to the others. Oh,no, 'the guy' was me. One of the guys had punched me in the Jaw. "AH!!!!!!!" I yelled as I felt pain, trying to kill me. I punched the guy who hit me. Then he had pushed me to the floor and tried to kick me in the gut but missed, because before he could, while on the ground I tripped him with my feet, and punched the guy. 

Then I saw Erik choking Angel. Then All of a sudden, Another guy, Kreig, had gone behind Erik. "Erik look out!!" I yelled as he looked back. Kreig had pulled Erik off Angel And pointed a gun to his head. "NO!!!!!!" I yelled and as soon as I said that the gun was pointed to me. I shut up and stood still. Then Kreig had pointed the gun back at Erik's head.

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