Chapter seven

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Hi it me!!! Okay listen I'm sorry for not writing much I know the chapters are not very long but I have my reasons so here is chapter seven and I know not much is going on but trust me there will be


"Baby, you light up my world like no body else the way that you flip your hair gets me over whelmed, but when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell you don't kno o ow you don't know your beautiful!!!!!!!" Right on time. (YES I KNOW THIS PART WAS VERY ANNOYING)

That ladies and gentlemen was my alarm. I am a total Directioner. Thirty minuets are up. I lift my head from the pillow and check my phone. It was Jason😍. A text from him, I mean. Alexa, mom said yes. Awesome I texted back. Ok round up the gang I have plans for tonight! I texted him.

What do you mean? He responded. Ok all you need to do is get excited for tonight!! I tested back. Whatever you say, cupcake. He texted. Now I am wondering what to get excited about. Maybe we could go out to a karaoke restaurant, or something.

I headed downstairs. "Mom!" I yelled. "What is it honey?!" She asked, worried. I walked into the living room where mom was relaxing watching TV. "What time are you fixing dinner?" I asked. "I don't know, probably at 5:34." She said. "Why do you ask?" She said. "Because I wanna go bowling with the gang tonight." I told her. "Gang! No you couldn't! Since when?!"mom blurted out, alarmed.

"Mom! Relax. By gang I mean, Daniela, Nicole, Tyler, Natalia and Jason." I assured her. "Oh." She said while sighing in relief. "And since we're going I wanna go bowling with them, for dinner I wanna come back here and eat with them. If its ok with you."

"Darling that's so cute." Oh, boy here comes the rejection. "Sure why not?" She said. "Yes! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou, mom!" I yelled. "So how many friends did you invite?" She asked. "Five, including me so six." I told her.

"Perfect, sure." She said. I raced back upstairs and checked my phone to see. Five texts.

Nicole: hey there, babe.

Jason: mission completed

Daniela: what's the emergency?

Natalia: ok spill it.

Tyler: what's up?

From me to Jason.

Me: Jason, you texted everyone?

Jason: yep.

Me: thanks, jase

Jason: anything for you, cupcake. I feel my face burn red hot.

From me to the whole gang

Me: we're going bowling tonight. Get excited! Be here in thirty. AND SHOWER!!!!!!!!

Natalia: actually I'll probably be there in ten or less.


Tyler: into my shower then on my way.

Nicole: showering's my middle name. And agreed.

Daniela: sure going.

Me: kk

20 minuets later.

I put on my prettiest long sleeved shirt and jeans and a jean jacket and let my hair fall down in curls and wore my purple flats with bows on them. Perfect look.

Ding dong! The doorbell. Probably Jason or Natalia or both. "I'll get it!" I yells. I went downstairs. When I opened the door it was Daniela and Tyler. So ironic. "Hey Alexa!" Daniela greeted. "Hi you guys. What a surprise you came together." I said.

"Don't tell her." Mumbled Tyler. "Don't tell me what?" I gasped. "Oh, my gosh are you guys dating. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it." "Nooooooo!!!!! We are not dating. I gave Tyler a ride cuz he is too embarrassed to drive his parents car." Said Dani. "Well, can you blame me. It's super ugly." He protested. "Ohhhhhh , you poor little baby!" I said. (Note the sarcasm).

"Ha!" Said Daniela. They walked in and ten minuets later. Here was Jason and Natalia and Nicole. "Hey you made it." I said. "Yes. So which car are we taking ?" Asked Natalia. "The biggest is mine,so." I said. "Let us go then" said Tyler.

"Pushy much? Good, lets get going." I said. We all walked to my car. And for the next 40 minuets we were chatting and singing along to whatever was on the radio. "I'm gonna pop some tags only got 20 dollars in my pocket lalallalalala lalallalalala this is fu--" I interrupted their singing. "Eh, eh, eh no cursing." I warned. "Oh, look it the fun police." Said Tyler sarcastically.

"Heey, watch it." I warned back. Daniela gasped. "Oh look you guys, shut up." She said pointing to the bowling alley. "Yeah, I think I know where I am going, Dan." I said while pulling into the parking lot. "The Bowlarama?" Asked Nicole. "Yeah, what about it?" I answered.

"Alexa, you couldn't have a picked a better place for us to go bowling?!" She asked. "What's the matter with this one?" I asked. "It's where all the bad trouble makers go to"hang out" if you know what I mean." She told me.

"Nicole what exactly do you mean by "hang out"" asked Jason. "What I mean is that it's their turf." She said. Uh oh. That not good. Heck that's never good. "But lucky for us we've got some muscle with us...... Jk, the truth is, is that their at another place tonight " said Nicole.

"What are you talking about. We do have some muscle." Said Tyler. "Oh, you mean Jason?" I asked. That was obviously not a question but most likely one of my attempts to tick him off. He was clearly jealous of Jason.

"Thanks, Alexa." He said sarcasm in every word. "So how do you know all this stuff?" Natalia asked Nicole. "Twitter, duh." She said. "Well, lets go then." I said impatient. We walked to the bowling alley and paid for our shoes.

20 minuets later

Man bowling was hard, but obviously not for Nicole. Five strikes in a row. And I was a little good at it. So we're everyone else. Except for Tyler. His ball always missed the pins, and he never seemed to lift the ball in his arms without struggling. That was funny.

I checked my phone for the time. 4:15

"Hey you guys we should probs get going moms getting dinner ready in two hours." I said. "Two hours really Alexa really?" Asked Daniela disapprovingly. "Ok, ok." I said holding up my hands in surrender.

I suddenly felt a hand on my waist. Which by the way made me jump. "So are you excited for our trip?" Asked a familiar voice. Jason. "Yup." I responded. "Hey, promise me something when we get to Florida." He said. "What is it?" I asked before saying yes. "Go on a date with me." He said. "Um, okay, I will promise." I said I blushed and he kissed me in the cheek.

2 hours later.

"U guys lets go it 6:00 already." I said.

"Okay." They all agreed. We walked out. But all of a sudden we heard yelling from behind the bowling alley.

"I told you never to do that again!" Male voice. "I'm sorry don't hurt me!!!"female voice. Then all we heard is were punching noises. But no screams

"Uh oh, Nicole." I said grabbing on to Nicole's arm. Then the female ran out from behind the bowling alley.and then came the man. I felt my heart pound at my chest like someone was knocking hard on my door. I felt a cold sweat and I still heard my heart thumping in my ears. A whip of fear kept on flashing in my stomach. "Where is she!!!! So help me if someone doesn't tell me I will kill every one here!!!!" He said. I whimpered in fear.

"Jason." I whispered. "Shhhh keep calm and stay quiet." He whispered back. Then I heard something the made my muscles un tense. The heavenly siren of a cop car. "Ohh crap!" he shouted. He started running. Just as he left we ran to my car and got in faster than you could say "Oh my godfather, what just happened?!"

"Okay, we need to leave. And no one mentions this to any of our parents, they might cancel the trip." I said. Everyone was so nervous. I was shaking. I drove home. We were starving. "Hey mom." I said as I walked into the kitchen. "Sweetie you are right on time, so how was it?" She asked

I gulped. They all looked me. "We had a lot if fun." What? I didn't lie.

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