Chapter 28

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This might just end up to have a chapter 30. I honestly have to say, I really LOVE this book with all my heart. I know it's a little weird to love your own story but I really love these characters and I'm having a blast writing it. And right now it's not as popular but I have a feeling that in time it will be. I might even go back and edit. But I have also decided to make a Sequel. It will be coming to you as soon as I finish this one. And here is a hint of what is going to happen. There might be some break-ups or make-ups. And I know I casted Maia Mitcell for the role of the main character and also I casted Ross Lynch for the role of the boyfriend. And I casted this BEFORE I was obsessed with Raura. Maybe the reason some of you Raura shippers aren't reading my story is because Maia Mitchell and Ross Lynch are boyfriend and girlfriend. But there is one person (CharlotteRoseStroud) But I am a Raura shipper. But  it's just characters that they play. Because trust me if I could I would change it. I actually can. But I felt Maia would make a great Alexa, sorry. 

And I don't think I am going to make them break up

So in this chapter the gang goes full out. Super hero time everybody!

Game on!!!

************************************************************************************************************* I love the stars**********************************************Do you?****************************I think I'm going insane********************************************************************************;P 

 Alexa' s POV 

I took a deep breath.

Here we go. I waited patiently for them to open the door, Jason's hand still in mine. I took another deep breath. Then I heard the door open. But that's kind of hard when your heart is pounding in your heart. 

"We're back!!!" I heard Blake yell and then Jason and I sprinted from out spot and ran towards the door. As soon as we walked in we saw Blake, James and Tyler in a full out fist fight. With One, guy another guy and Clarence.

"C'mon!!!" Jason yelled and then pulled me by my hand. We ran into the living room and looked around. "Where do we go?" I asked. 

"Natalia has to be here somewhere!!" Said Jason. "Come with me!!" He said then we ran into a hallway that led to a staircase.

After running upstairs, it had led us to a door. Jason had kicked it open. "Natalia!!" He shouted. "Natalia!!!" I joined in. 

We looked around some more and we knew she wasn't in here.

"Maybe she is being kept in a closet!" I suggested. "You're right!!" Jason agreed.

We ran downstairs again and then we took another hallway that led us to a few doors. We split up and I walked into the first door. Jason ran into the second. The first room was a bathroom.

I walked out and ran into the third room.  And it was a bedroom with a massive closet. Bingo. I opened the doors to the closet. And looked inside. Nothing, but clothing and old shoes. 

"Natalia!!" I called out. Nothing. 

Jason had then stormed in. "Did you find her?" He asked, breathless and panting. "No." I answered

We then ran out of the bedroom and back to the first hallway, and then it led us to the living room. And I started running towards another hallway. That one hallway led me to the kitchen. 

But there was another hallway at the right. 

I felt like Alice In Wonderland. Wondering where the heck was Nat. I ran  through the hallway and then took a right and then I saw it.

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