Chaoter ten

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Hi I know I promised random fun facts but I forget sorry guys, I'm only human.


I woke up to my excited mother talking on the phone in my room. "Yeah, Sandy I know. Yeah bring her right over!!!!" Her voice filled the entire room. She hung up and dialed another number. "Hello. Yes Diana,this is Susan. Yes, yes it's today. Brig her over right now. No I wouldn't mind. Okay,bye." She said. Another number.

"Karen, come right on over. Yes we're here. Okay see you in two minuets." Another number. "Yes, tonya. Yeah c'mon over ok bye." She said. That must've been her new book club

"Sweetie, wake up!! Your friends are coming over!!!!" She squealed. "Mom it's like 10:00 am!" I whined. "Get up lazy bunny, you need to get pretty." She said. I moaned. "You do know Jason is coming in about like two minuets right?" She asked. My eyes shot wide open. "What!!" I said as I got up from my bed and ran to my bathroom.

Got fixed up I let my hair down and I guess I am a lazy bunny, because after my makeup I was too lazy and so I just wore some jeans and a t shirt. In a matter of seconds I heard my mom opening the door downstairs to let in Jason and Natalia. I ran down stairs. And hugged them both..

"So when's take off?" She asked. At 5:oo in the morning." I said. "Oh. my. gish." She said. I raised my eyebrow. "Gish?" I asked. "When she is excited she says weird things." Jason said.

Din dong. "It's me!" Yelled a familiar voice. Now which psycho do you think would yell that at someone's front door when their door is closed. I opened the door. Ding, ding! And the winner is Nicole! "Hey Nikki." I greeted her. We hugged. "Kk, did you tell them yet, or not?" She asked.

"Tell us what?" Asked Natalia. "I'll wait till Dani and Tyler come." I said.

20 minuets later. Daniela and Tyler were here. "Ok so you guys I have to tell you something that happened to me. Now trust me this is not like a' you guys I'm pregnant, or you guys I'm moving to china' moment I just want to tell you what happened to me yesterday." I said. Most of them relaxed.

"Stacey King had a birthday party. And she invited me to it. So you may know I hate Stacey. But I promised her and so I went to go buy her something at the flee market when there was a robbery. The guy wasn't wearing a mask so I saw his face clearly. And so when I went to Stacey's house as popular as Nicole is of course I would see her there. So we started dancing when this guy comes up to me and starts telling me to shake my rear end for him. I got mad and-" Nikki interrupted me. "And then she slapped him!" She yelled. "Yes I slapped him."

Someone looked angry. That was Jason. "If I ever see that guy again I might re arrange his face." He said.

"My hero." I responded.

After three hours if being bored we all decided to play hide and seek while our eyes were closed kind if like Marco Polo. It was Daniela's turn to close her eyes. So we were all running away from her. And Jason had ducked down next to my bed to make sure Dani couldn't tap him.

Daniela started walking towards my bed. He lied down to protect himself from Dani. then after she left went into sitting position. "You'll never catch me! " I heard Tyler saying. "Tyler shut up!" Yelled Nicole .

Jason was getting up and stood on his knees. I was pretty sure Daniela was behind me, so I was actually dumb enough to start running while looking back to see if she was running behind. And so clumsy me tripped with her own feet. In front. Of Jason.

As I fell he was still on his knees my arms before I hit the floor. While doing that I guess I had fallen on his face because suddenly my lips were crushed against his. I felt sparks fly. I pulled away to see him smiling. "Well, hello there." He said. I stood up and I was hoping the others were busy running to see what just happened.

I should thank my lucky stars, because when I looked around the room everyone was running from Daniela to notice Jason and I kiss. "Don't tell them, okay." I said. "Sure, but you liked it didn't you?" He asked smirking. I was going to say no of embarrassment but wanted to say yes, but that would have made it awkward because we're not a thing. Well at least not yet.

"Maybe, maybe not." I said. We continued our little game until dinner.

Jason's POV

So after we got bored we just decided to start playing a game. Daniela was the one chasing us. And I was trying to get away from her. So I ducked down next to Allie's bed and hoped that Dani wouldn't come near me. But I basically have zero luck. She was coming right at me. I lied down hoping her feet wouldn't have touched me.

Thank Santa Clause that she left. So I stood on my knees, you know just chilling. Than I see Alexa coming towards me. I catch her before she falls but as I do that an idea has stuck me as quick as a heartbeat. I pulled her in and kissed her. Fire works went off in my head. I hope she feels the same.

Yes, finally. I kissed Alexa Goodwin. Yes, I know I'm a dork. I couldn't help but smile. "Well, hello there." I said. She was kind of hoping no one saw us kiss, beachside she was looking around the room to see what the others were doing. "Don't tell them, okay." She said. "Sure, but you liked it didn't you?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"Maybe, maybe not." She said. Oh Allie, if you only knew playing hard to get was just going to make me want you more. We kept on acting the game until it was time for supper.


End of chapter ten !!!!! So whata think. And who uses the word supper anymore? You love it hate it. I just need to know!!! Alright my lovelies time for random fun fact of the chapter ten.


Random fun fact: did you know that a crazy man had taken three people two girls and a Chinese man and sewed there lips to their buttholes and then fed the man dog food and he pooped in the girls mouth. In fact 99% of the time that's what happens every night outside your window. Have fun sleeping tonight. Human centipede.

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