Chapter 9

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Ok. So I see I'm still at seven votes. Sad, but true. Yes, I know I live a sad little life. But I really enjoy writing this story and I want to continue so I am writing this basically because I like writing. Please vote or comment. Anything you want to say to make the story more interesting go ahead. I will choose which comment is best matches with what I have in store for the story.

Love, Forever1D53

Enjoy chapter nine. :D


Okay so after leaving that flee market I honestly feel better. In safety and in health. I thought I might had caught a disease from that place, because I was seriously ready to greet my morning cereal I had eaten. So instead I went to Macy's, and bought her a pretty skirt.

There. That sounds more like Alexa to me. So then I drove home and started my shower. After my shower I started doing my hair. But it's too short for it to be down. So I let them loose. Then I wore my plunging neckline the color turquoise with my red poufy skirt and some wedges. Didn't I look perfect, very.

No matter how much I hate her, I was very excited. "Bye, mom." I said. "Have, fun." She said. I walked to my car and drove away.


30 minuets later

The party took place in Stacey's mansion of a house. Rich little brat. I walked to her front door and rang the door bell. Stacey opened it. Wow there were a ton of people here. "Hey, Ashley! I'm glad you made it." She said.

"Actually my name's Alexa. And glad to be here." I said. That little brat. Didn't even remember my name. I walked inside to find the entire population of popular kids and others at this party.

"So, Ava, what did you get me?" Asked Stacey. My attention turned towards her. "It's a surprise. " I said.

"Great! I heard your an awesome gift getter. That's actually the only reason I invited you." She said. That's the reason why she invited me! And to think I was almost getting her a gift at a flee market, and then got her something from Macy's.

"Ok. I have to go." I said, trying to get away from her before I made her eat her own teeth. And rearranged her face. I was furious. Boiling mad

I walked to the water fountain to cool down. Then I felt a body hug me tightly. I turned around to see nicole.

"Oh my gosh. What a surprise to see you here. I thought you hated Stacey." She said. "I do. But I promised her. And the only reason she invited me was to get a gift." I said. "That little, skunk bag." She said. Yeah I know it sucks. I thought to myself.

2 hours later.

So the night sped up quickly. That was until I was dancing to thrift shop with Nikki. Then all of a sudden I felt two hands in my hips that spun me around. I saw some guy that was clearly not in high school! That or he failed the tenth grade like, 50 times.

"Hey, baby, why don't you keep on shaking dat booty for me will yah?" He asked. I hates those type of men who think that women are just toys they can play with and touch and use for their personal pleasure. And trust me, this guy was doing all that. And he was using me!

I felt a sudden wave of confidence as I slapped his hands away from me. "Get your paws of me, lowlife." I said. Oh my gosh. I think I might just faint. I never like fighting my heart was racing 50 miles a minuet.

"Oh, c'mon don't be like that,baby. He pleaded. Then i did something that I never thought I'd do in my entire life. I slapped him in the face and kicked him in the shin. "I said to get your paws off me you douchebag!!!!!" I yelled.

" Ahhh! Your gonna get it now!" He said while holding up his fists. I pushed him out of the way and ran to the front door. While running away I looked back to see the guy trying to touch me and the guy who I saw at the bowlarama and then the guy who robbed the flee market. They were friends with mr. Touchy.

I ran out the door to my car before anything else when wrong. I was very scared. I drove as quick as could. When I arrived home I found my parents on the couch asleep. "Mom, dad I'm home." I said. They woke up. "Darling go to bed." Said dad. I obeyed him and went upstairs to change.

After i had changed clothes I got a text.

Nicole: hey where are you? That guy got pretty pissed after your an out.

Me: Nicole those guys are nothing but trouble.

Nicole: well, turns out those guys were crashers.

Me: hey didn't you notice one of that guys friends.

Nicole: what about him?

Me: one of them was the guy that punched that girl at the Bowlarama.

Nicole: oh my gosh they're closer than we think.

Me: Nikki, what are you saying.

Nicole: the bad boys they're closer than we thought.

Nicole: so, back to my first question. Where r u?

Me: home and I'll talk to you later. I'm sleepy. Ttyl xox

Nicole: kk

Then I fell asleep

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