Chapter 27

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Well if I thought it was awesome to  know that there was already a chapter 26  

Imagine how excited I will be when it's chapter 27 do any if you think this will lead up to chapter 30? I don't really think so

If you could also Please check out my new story Perfectly Dorky please. I think you guys will like it but it needs comments to let it get going. Please! I would love it If some of you guys could go and check that out for me :)

Also a thanks to CharlotteRoseStroud, I feel like you guys are already very familiar with her :) she is the sweetest person ever and I thank her for the nicest things that she has said. Everyone should go check her out! :)

Well! Bonn appetite

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Alexa's POV

We were already really close to Boca Raton. As far away as it looks like, it really isn't. "Go faster!!!!! We need to catch up to them!!!" I yelled. "What do you want Alexa! This is as far as the mile limit will take us! Do you want me to go to jail!?" James yelled back to me.

"Wait but what are we going to do when we get there?" Asked Jason. "I don't know. I guess we'll call the police or something." I answered. "Wait! Where exactly are they going?" Asked Nicole.

"They are headed to Boca Raton the GPS will take us there." Said James. "Yeah but the can't be traveling forever, where are they stopping?" Asked Nikki. "Jason check your phone." Said Aria.

Jason took out his phone from his pocket and checked his "stalker app". "It looks like they have stopped somewhere. "Well, then give your phone to James." Said Nicole.

Jason gave his phone to James. Now we'll know where to stop.

Natalia's POV

I felt the car go slower and slower and then we stopped. The car was then turned off. We were here. Now I get to be in the basement of his house with ashes of my dad. This guy had some serious issues.

The van's door had slid open and then Clarence and some other guy had climbed in and grabbed me. "Hey, ouch! This is a tough rope! And I'm not a rag doll." I complained. But they just ignored me and pulled me out of the van.

I felt the cold dirt on the soles of my feet. Ew gross. I was still barefoot.

They had guided me to the house where I was violently pushed into the basement. Then the basement door was closed shut and locked. Were they seriously going to lock me here with no food or water?

Then I spotted a little black box in the middle of the room. That must be the container of his ashes. These ropes were very tight. If I was going to live here for the rest of my life, which telling by the fact that they weren't going to feed me or keep me hydrated, my life wasn't going to last me for a very long time. I might as well get comfortable. I can't do that in these stupid ropes.

I struggled to where it was tied. Until I found the knot. It wasn't tied very tightly. My fingers worked away at the knot until it was loose and the ropes fell loose off my body like a blanket. I observed the red marks that were left behind by the ropes.

My fingers traced the red lines. Ouch! That really hurts. I stood up and started looking for an exit but there was nothing. No vents, no windows no secret tunnels.

I looked around the room and on the wall behind me there was a giant metal shelf with a bunch of old things on there. Empty glass beer bottles, screw drivers, hammers, old lanterns, crowbars, and other tools and junk.

Spring BreakTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon