Chapter seventeen

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Hi! Surprise, surprise. This is a chapter that I wanted to give you guys as a gift, by saying hold on tight because I will update sooner or later.

Well last time in 'spring break' Destiny is actually Daniela's sister. And Tyler is not in love with Nikki. So this following note is for Nikki's satisfaction. Later in the future of this story something good happens to you, so don't stress.

Over and out. Who's a fan of GloZel? I am!!! If you have not heard if her it's probably because you live under a rock. JK. Make sure to check her videos on YouTube. And don't forget to lol. :D


I couldn't believe it. In all my sixteen years of life have I ever heard something so incredibly flabbergasting . I had a twin sister that I never new about. So many questions were racing in my head like race cars on the Indie 500. But for now all I did was let it sink in. "We're sisters. I can't believe we're sister!!!!" I shouted with all my might.

We hugged each other and started sobbing. This was a life changing experience. After 20 minuets of that reunion we started wondering, why.

"Why do you think Mom and Dad kept this from us for so many years?" I asked. "I don't know. But I know that they probably did this for a reason." Said Destiny. "Oh, my freaking gosh. I need to tell Aunt T." I told her. She raised her eyebrows in confusion. "Who's Aunt T?" She asked. "Alexa's Aunt." I told her. She sighed in relief. "Oh, good. I thought I had an Aunt I did not know about. I probably do. But this is WAY too much drama for one day." Said Destiny

"I'll be right back." I said, as I started for the door.

Tyler's POV

I was in the lobby when I had to go up to ask Daniela if she wanted to go out. I was really angry that my friends had ditched me at a ball. And I don't even like those parties. "Tyler, where are you going?" Asked Jason as I headed for the elevator. "Up." That's where I'm going. "Tyler, you should know something first." He continued. "I don't wanna hear it." I said harshly.

"But, Tyler-" I interrupted him. " I don't care." I said. I pressed the elevator button a couple dozen times. But I was so eager to talk to Daniela that I couldn't wait anymore. So I headed for the stairs.

What seamed like a thousand stairs later I had finally arrived. I didn't bother knocking. I just walked in like I owned this place. "I have to talk to you." I said. "Wait, who-" my patience was growing short and I interrupted her.

"Listen I really, like you so, will you go out with me?" I asked her hoping shell say yes. "Sure, why not?" She said. Well that was odd. We have been friends forever and I ask her out and all she says is, sure why not. This was strange beyond belief. But you know what they say, never look a gift horse in the mouth.

I nodded. "So, see you in the morning." I said awkwardly. Then I walked out of the room.

Daniela'a POV

It was those words that made me die inside. Those six little words had ruined the happy atmosphere at this point. Tyler had asked Destiny out on a date. How could he do this to me!? I liked him, I thought he liked me. Then the thought came to me like I was hit in the head by a frisbee. What if, he didn't know I had a twin sister. What if, it was all a misunderstanding. What if, me meeting Destiny was a curse from the universe for-

"Honey, what's the matter, why are you still standing there?" A voice interrupted my thoughts. I turned my attention to Mrs. Ronal, or Aunt T. The poor woman, I dragged her all the way up here without an explanation and then I keep her there waiting for me to do, or say something. She must think I'm strange or I need help.

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