Chapter 22

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"I don't know about you but I'm feeling twenty two everything will be alright if you keep me next to you you don't know about me but I bet you want too, everything will be alright if we keep on dancing like we're twenty two oo oo!!" Taylor swift 22

Get it, cuz it's chapter 22. Anyways I'm so excited because it's finally chapter 22. Aren't you? Anyways I'm so sorry it's been long since I have updated cuz I am grounded and my mom takes away my phone whenever I arrive from school.So on the bus in the morning I try writing, and on the bus in the afternoon I try writing. So sorry. Also wattpad has been deleting ch 22 whenever I save it as a draft. And it's making me frustrated. Anyhow, please stick around. I'm making a big effort. For you guys.

So enough with the sad stuff. So why do you think Clearance is such a creep? Well, you are about to find out



Yesterday's time

Nikki's POV

We were in Chase's garage, just chillin' and James was practicing. I was so excited to tell everyone, I didn't know how the heck I can contain all my excitement. But I waited until they were finished with a song they were rehearsing. We were all acting like the doofs we were, singing along and pretending we were at an R5 concert, which by the way, felt kind of fun. After their song, I stood up on the couch. "Okay, guys, James and I have news!" I said, shrieking a little. "James and I are boyfriend and girlfriend!!!" I said, then I started jumping up and odwn on the couch. James smiled. "OMG!!!! No way, about time!!!!! Jicole, Jicole,!!!" chanted Natalia. Alexa, Natalia and Daniela surrounded me and started jumping up and down too, like a fangirls who saw their favorite band. Blake, Jason, and chase all highfived James. And Aria had ran and hugged him. "Awww, my baby brother has a girlfriend!!! They grow up so fast!!!!" said Aria, pinching his cheeks, then placing her hand on her heart and wiping away the fake tears. "Aria, you are only a year older!!!" James whined. Aria rolled her eyes and joined in on the jumping up and down with us.

"Girls. You guys get excited for the littlest of things." said Chase. "Oh, shut up Chase!!!" yelled Aria in a teasing way. "Yeah, I'm a lucky one!!!!" said James. Then we all calmed the heck down and got back to rehearsals.

Jason's POV

So finally, tomorrow is the music festival. I'm so excited, yet nervous. I just want to practice the most that I can. I really want to win. If we make it to California, R5 can finally get discovered. Just thinking about being famous already, makes me excited!!!

**gurgle, gurgle** maybe I should eat first. I grabbed my phone and text-ed Blake

Me: hey, can you come to the hotel and bring food?

Blake: isn't there room service

Me: then come over and dine with me and Alexa, and Natalia and Nicole and Daniela and Tyler. And bring the rest of R5. I think Nicole will be happy to see her boyfriend again.

Blake: Yeah, ahh, romance.

Me: So, how is that little crush with Natalia doing?

Blake: What!? I don't have a crush on Natalia!! Why would you think that?

Me: Cut the chase, Blake. Do you like Natalia?

Blake: Dude, she's your sister, why would I be crushing on her?

Me: Do you like  Nat?


Me: Oh, my gosh, you DO have a crush on Nat!!

Blake: Man, even through my texts you can see right through me, you're good.

Me: I know, anyways come on over here. Nat is always here, you know.

Spring BreakOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora