Chapter 3

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While Felix and Lily were enjoying their  conversation with each other, the emperor's quarters were quite full of unexpected events.

A blond man opened the door and entered a room where there lies a bed and many other furnitures. His blue jeweled eyes emitted puzzlement and surprise as he sat down on a sofa and mumbled to himself.

He placed his hand under his chin as he smiled "I never knew, that Jeannette has a side like that"

Several days ago, inside the crown princess's palace, there the emperor and other guards walked the hallway towards the the quarters of the said princess.

Claude knocked on the door and was immediately opened by a panting lady, in her 18's. Her hair was of the color like a brunnete's and her eyes were of the same color as the man in front of her.

The lady then asked with her voice full of worry as she held her tears from her eyes. "Daddy! You're finally back. Where's sister?"

Claude with his indifferent nature responded "You're sister? I never recalled you having a sister"

Not fazed by his response, she took a small painting of her and her sister and showed it to him.

Tears were flooding out her eyes as she hugged the painting while quivering. "Athanasia. They said that she died, please dad, tell me it's not true"

Suddenly the figure of Athanasia appeared on Claude's mind and indifferently said "Oh, you mean that bug. She died"

"What..?" despair coated her voice, as she clenched her fist refusing to believe the words of her father.

Claude then proceeded to explain the situation "I got her executed" He then faintly showed a worried expression    "She poisoned you, don't you know that"

Jeannete's eyes lost all it's color, she trembled as her eyes puffed turning red, she then asked again to gain affirmation. "You did what?"

"I got her executed" he said nonchalantly as he tried to calm her down. Claude patted Jeannete's head in an attempt to stop her from crying and said. "Stop thinking useless things, come now you still need to..."

Suddenly, Claude's hand was slapped away, making the servants and guards surrounding them afraid. Jeannete stopped her tears and glared at Claude with great hostility as she said. "Dadd.. no, Your majesty. Please stay away from me for the time being, because if you do I'm afraid that I'll come to hate you"


Back to the present

Claude leaned back the couch as he massaged his temples groaning ath the same time. "Ugh.... my headaches gotten worse recently"

When suddenly he was jolted to his senses as he felt a presence behind his back. He prepared the knife by his side and throwed it behind his back where he then jumped away to gain some distance between him and the intruder.

To his surprise the knife didn't hit the intruder, but on contrary it was caught by the intruder.

The intruder was taller than him by a centimeter, he was wearing a conspicuous looking black robe that emitted a very dangerous aura that would make anybody quiver in fear, his face was half covered by the robe wearing an eerie smile.

Though he was covered most entirely, Claude could still discern that the intruder was a man, with a huge build and tenacious aura.

Claude stood firmly as he asked the intruder with a menacing aura "Who are you? and who sent you?"

The intruder laughed as he revealed himself. His face was identical to the person before him, his hair was in also the same color as his.

Claude trembled as he said his name with resentment, "Anastacius!"

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