Chapter 11

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The rain stopped as the sun rose, causing a mist to accumulate outside the field. Sun rays penetrated into the tower, including the room of a young maiden.

The young maiden opened her eyes, to stare at the ceiling.
"What did I just do?" She said to herself. A flashback from earlier rushed back to her mind "Ahhhhhhh!"

At Lucas office

"What was that?" he wondered "Must have been my imagination"

In the room, where the scream was heard. The young maiden who was once the princess of the esteemed empire Obelia, Athanasia. Covered her mouth, to stop her scream.

'Ahhh!, just why did I do that earlier' crying internally 'What do you mean get out? Im so stupid!' mad at her actions 'What more is that he said sorry. Knowing his personality, his pride must have been hurt, now he must be planning something to kick me out' she thought, with a devastated look.
"Sniff, sniff ... that means, he's calling me to his office to kick me out" she then looked at the clock near her.
6:28 a.m
"Ahh... I don't wanna go" she cried.

Hours Later

A certain raven head kept looking at a clock beside him.
"It's almost the agreed time, yet I see no sign of Sia coming" he said while tapping his fingers. "Don't tell me" he stopped his tapping fingers. "She overslept"
.   .   .   .   .
"Well, I guess that might be typical, since I woke her up countless times" he shrugged "But it would never hurt to see it for myself"
When Lucas teleported to Athanasia's room, he suddenly bumped onto something.

"Ouch!" Lucas exclaimed. 'What the hell?!' he then felt something pressing on him.

His eyes widened at the sight of a woman with golden hair, beautiful jeweled eyes, an outfit befitting of her slim figure, and an expression ------- of embarrassment.

"Kyaaaaa!" Athanasia shouted while standing up to go hide at the other room, slamming the door while at it.
.   .   .   .   .  .
"Ehh" the only word that the raven-haired man was able to utter.

Confused as he may be, he stood up to talk to the woman.

"Wait, Sia!" Going in the direction of the room she hid. Lucas tried to open the door, but to no avail, it didn't budge, he tried to resort to teleportation, but was halted when Athanasia spoke.

"You're here to tell me to get out right?" she sadly asked

"Yes, so open the door" he said nonchalantly

Athanasia's heart, squeezed when she heard that he was certainly kicking her out 'I see, I thought he would be thinking about it first, but I guess he's really kicking me out'
"I,... I'll leave when the time comes, so.." her voice of pleading.

"What do you mean about leave, just get out of the room" Lucas turning the knob repeatedly. 'Ahh..., this is why I hate doors'

"I mean, you're gonna kick me out!" she exclaimed

"Kick you out?" confused as to what she was talking about

"Yeah, just because I told you to get out earlier." her response "I..., I actually didn't mean it, I just thought that it was all just a dream and... Please don't kick me out. I have nowhere else to go right now"

'Ah. So she thought I was gonna make her leave.' a smirk was then to be seen on Lucas's face

"I'll think about it as long as you get out of that room" he demanded

"Really Lucas, you think I'm gonna fall for that. What am I, a child?" she remarked

"You are a child" he declared

"I'm 18" she firmly said

"Then you are still a child, according to the law of children's rights, a child is someone who is 18 yrs. of age and under" he stated while wearing a smug look on his face.

Athanasia was left speechless, for she knew that his words were indeed facts. She tried to counter his claim but was cut off by a burst of annoying laughter.

"Pftt..." the sound coming from Lucas

"Ehh, what did I just hear?" dumbfounded by what she heard


Athanasia irritated at the fact that he laughed at a very serious situation for her, finally opened the door to confront the maniac of a man.
"What are you laughing so hard for?" she coldly glared at the said man

"Do you wanna know why?" unknowingly taunting the woman in front of him

An irk emerged at Athanasia, her fist ready to punch the man in front of her. "Yeah, I wanna know why"

"Then before that, let's sit down first" gesturing at a couch near them.

They sat down on the couch, where Lucas is wearing a pleased look while Athanasia wore a cold look.

(Serious Atmosphere)

"I was just  kidding" he declared

"Die, Lucas" her voice as cold as ice

Athanasia threw multiple attacks and spells at Lucas, until her anger subsided.

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