Chapter 9

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The sky turned dark, and rain began to pour, inside the tower a woman with long golden locks of hair and an eye parring a jewels shine, is to be seen looking out the window with her face as dark as the sky.

"Sigh... that stupid Lucas" she mumbled while kicking a pebble near her, unknowingly hitting someone with it.

"Argh..." an individual groaned

Athanasia surprised by this, prepared a spell in case

"Who are you? You certainly don't sound like Lucas" she warily asked

"Ah, niece. I finally found you" sighing in relief

Athanasia knowing the individual's face, immediately backed off.

"Don't move!" she exclaimed

The said individual then stopped moving just like what was asked.

"I hope you don't misunderstand, I'm just wondering where I am. Can you maybe tell me where this place is?" he asked nicely

"I actually --- don't know." a sweat appeared

"Is that so" his face looking dejected

"Yeah, sorry I couldn't be of help"

"It's fine, but the magician earlier told me, that this place was hell" he claimed

"What? hell?" dumbfounded by what he said

"Yes, though this place doesn't look like one" looking around their surroundings

"Umm, I think he was just messing with you"

.   .   .   .   .

"I see, I thought he was the devil for a second there"

'A devil. I guess he sometimes acts like one' 

There was a moment of silence, the man's face gloomed while Athanasia was feeling awkward, which made her break the silence.

"What are you gonna do now? I heard from Lucas what actually happened to you and..." trying to lighten the mood

"I see, he told you"

"Yeah..." Athanasia paused for a while "Did you, really just used Jeannette, your own daughter as a tool to usurp the throne" she brazenly asked

"Yes, I did" he said nonchalantly

Athanasia was furious at his answer "You really are shameless" Athanasia exclaimed while trying to walk away, but stopped when she heard the man speak.

"I know I'm not fit to be a father" upset by his past actions

"You really are brothers" she mumbled while continuing to walk away

"But I do love my daughter"

Athanasia quivered at the word love

"Love? You call using your child for your selfish desires, love! Scoff!" Athanasia walked away leaving the man behind.

'I don't care about you're revenge or anything, but don't use your children for it! Bastards!' 

In the room Athanasia proclaimed hers

The tea set on the table was thrown, the curtains were ripped, the cotton's of the pillows were revealed. She vented out her anger on her surroundings, until she got herself hurt by broken pieces of glass.

'Ah..., my fingers bleeding' she thought to herself.

Athanasia looked around her surroundings, to see everything was in chaos.

"Sigh..., what am I doing" pitying herself

"I never caused any havoc before, why now?" she said while tears started to flow out of her eyes

"Hic, hic..." trying to wipe her tears

"Why am I crying, so pathetic" she sat down on her bed and cried and cried till she fell asleep.

A few hours later at Lucas's office

Lightning struck, revealing a raven-haired man sitting in a chair, his legs crossed while reading a book menacingly. His long black hair was tied in a knot, unveiling his ruby-like eyes that pars a jewels shine.

"Sigh..., nothing. There's no records of these symptons" Lucas throwing the book he was holding

Lucas was trying to find the cause of his unusual emotions

"Did she put a curse on me?" covering his face with one of his hands.

Lucas was then disturbed by the sound of a clock, showing it was 12 at night.

"Time passed by real quick, it's already midnight. The rain still hasn't stopped" Lucas reached his hand out the window, feeling the rain in his hands

'I guess she's asleep by now, she was crying earlier, I should go check on her' he teleported himself to Athanasia's room, only to be greeted by a messed room.

'What the hell? Was this place hit by a storm or something?'

Then with a snap of his fingers, the room was back to its original state. Lucas then walked towards the sleeping Athanasia, just to be startled by a pair of jeweled eyes looking at his ruby eyes.

"Why are you here?" she bitterly said

Who made me alive (Lucathy Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang