Chapter 15

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"Your majesty!"

"Jeannete..." his face looking surprised yet unfazed.

The young woman took a deep breath and declared "I have something to say"

The red haired personal knight of the emperor was surprised and also anxious, as the emperor wasn't feeling good the past few days, he was afraid that he will shun his daughter away.

As he was worried sick for the young girl, he tried to convince her to not visit the emperor for the time being, but was stopped by the emperor.

"What is it?" he questioned with his cold blue eyes.

"Remove the charges against Princess Athanasia"

"Jeannette we've talk about this already" he said in annoyance

"It's not her" she mumbled

As he wasn't able to hear the words of the princess clearly he asked with a tint of curiousness. "What?"

She raised her head and looked at the emperor right at his eye, and firmly said "It wasn't her who poisoned me"

The emperor and the knight was stunned by her claim but then came back to their usual self a little while after.

The emperor opened his mouth and menacingly said "Who was it, the one who dared to touch you"

Jeannete felt her body shivered as she stuttered her words with fear and anxiety "It's .... it's my aunt"

Silence enveloped the whole room until the emperor decided to break it "I see, Felix call for the Countess"

"Then, are you gonna remove the charges against sister?!"

"Jeannete" he spoke coldly as usual, but hinting a bit of interest in it "You, you're actually quiet cruel. You exposed your aunt who you have been with for a long time, because of some nobody you just met"

Jeannete clenched her fist as she knew what he said was true "I... I have no words for that, but your majesty my sister is not some nobody. I have always looked forward to the day that I will be able to talk and laugh together with her. And when I first came here at the palace, she treated me with great kindness, even though that I was endagering her position."

"She's a very great person!"

The emperor sighed as he said to her "Naive, too naive, Jeannete. She was just trying to use you, manipulate you, and finally killing you."

"As I've said before, She didn't do it!" Jeannete's desperate plead.

"Whatever or whoever she is, it was still good riddance. And to answer your question before, I'm saying no." he nonchalantly added

"But she didn't do it!" Jeannete tried defending her claim but didn't succeed as the emperor didn't care

"Your majesty, she was your daughter too" she pleaded

"Sigh... Jeannete I only have one daughter, and that's you"

"This... this is so cruel" Jeannete wimpered as tears flowed out her eyes

"Reality is often cruel, you will learn this someday" as he saw her daughter in fear and shock he sent her back to her quarters.

"Jeannete go back to your quarters, I believe that you are in a huge shock and might get sick, so rest back at your room"

Claude signaled the guards to take her to her room

"Wait, please wait. Your majesty"

The lady struggled as she tried to escape the guards, but to no avail she was back to her room. Not being able to convince her father, she weeped in tears in how useless she was.

Days after, Jeannete heard the execution of the Countess Rosalia, she locked herself up in her room for days, worrying the servants, but has ultimately gone out with a face as bright as ever.


As Athanasia was looking for a deserted alley to teleport, she heard loud sounds of metal clanking meaning guards are nearby, she instantly put her guard up, hiding in the shadows while listening to the words that were spat out by the guards.

"Shit! We're gonna die. We need to find the princess soon!" the agitated cry of the guard.

'Princess?' Athanasia was alarmed by the situation, piquing her interest

'Whose the princess?!' she excitedly thought to herself

Suddenly one of the guards cried, making Athanasia jump of surprise.

"Hic.. hic... I don't wanna die, I still want to get married." The guard then stood on knees his hands clasped together "God, Oh why? Why does princess Jeannete have to disappear?"

Athanasia was left stunned, her excitement instantly left her body as she thought to herself--- hysterically 'Jeannete! Where have you gone?! Fath..-- I mean his majesty would search every city and town to find you and might as well find me!'

Athanasia afraid that she would be found hurriedly gone to an alley and teleported back to the tower.

She did not told Lucas and Anastacius immediately because she was afraid that Lucas would not let her out for months if he found out.

In the past months, Athanasia and Lucas gotten close more than before. They would experiment with magic or create new formulas together and most of all they would quarrel with the most simplest things, using magic to attack the other or so.

Anastacius could only kept sighing as he would always clean up the mess the two made.

"Sigh...." Athanasia sighed, full of exhaustion from her outing

Later on her exhaustion seemed to subside by the smell of the sweet and tasty desert she was holding.

"It would be fine to take just one, no one would notice" she picked up a piece of macaron and stuffed it to her mouth with glee, when strands of raven hair was seen floating at the air, she instantly devoured the sweet, leaving no trace of evidence.

It was Lucas who noticed that the young lady has come back.

"Sia, you're quite late today?" he asked while eyeing on her

"It's not even that late" she retorted

"Is that so" Lucas eyes landed to the bag that the young lady was holding.

Knowing that it was a bag of desserts, he tried to tease the lady a bit.

"If you eat all that sweets, you're gonna get yourself fat Princess" he said in a teasing manner

Prepared by his claim Athanasia remarked "Is that so, I guess your gonna get yourself fat" she smirked

Not backing down Lucas countered her attack "Am I such a important person to you that you will give away your precious stash of desserts to me"

Flustered by his counter remark she exclaimed "What?! In your dreams!"

Athanasia shoved the bag of desserts to Lucas and proceeded to walk the hallway while the man was laughing at her behavior.

Before Athanasia was not to be seen, Lucas gave a tempting act of waving a piece of macaron at Athanasia

"Sia, want some? I know you really want one" he smiled slyly

When he thought she was about to retort she only took the macaron from his hand and walked away.

'That's weird, did something happened? Or was their something I did that made her upset'

He opened the bag of sweets as he took a bite of one of the macarons. "Too sweet for me" he complained.

But in contrary to his word, he continued to eat the macaroon.

'According to my memory, I did not do anything excessive that would make her mad, then it must be the former'

Lucas's ruby eyes lit hinting a bit of madness and curiosness "Now what happened outside to make her behave like that?"

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