Chapter 12

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"Sigh... you finally calmed down" the relieved sigh of the magician sitting across a woman who is busy stuffing her mouth with desserts 'If she stuffs them like that, she'll look like a squirrel' the magician thought to himself

"Shut up, Lucas" she exclaimed then proceeded to eat the macaron in front of her

"But it was certainly surprising, that you were able to use magic that efficiently. Moreover, you just regained your mana recently" he complimented while reaching out to a macaron

"This is mine" glaring at Lucas

"Fine it's yours" putting his hands up, admitting defeat

"I wasn't even able to hit you"

"Of course you can't, though it's really interesting how you can handle your mana that well already" he asked in a curios tone

"Hmm..." a smirk was then to be seen on Athanasia's face "Then shall I tell you a secret"


"Yes, a secret. But if you want me to tell you, you need to first tell me the actual reason why you called me to your office" she smirked

"No reason. I was just gonna tell you that I am relieving you of your duty as my servant" he nonchalantly said

An irk then suddenly appeared on Athanasia's forehead."For the last time Lucas, stop calling..."

"Because I decided to make you my apprentice" he firmly declared 'Though it was for the reason of monitoring you, but who cares, this has become interesting. Well,I'll just kill you if you ever give off a sign of suspicion'

"Apprentice? You mean me, being your student" she asked in awe

"Yes. Now then Sia, since I answered your question, won't you kindly tell me your secret"

"Cough..." composing herself. "Magic  has infinite possibilities, it may be used for cultivating in civilization or for battle prowess. Me being a royal has an obligation to protect and rule the empire, and magic was one of the factors I needed to master. So that's it, really, there was no great reason or anything"

"Ehh, but I think it was quite a good reason though"

"I thought that at first too, but because of some certain someone. I wasn't able to use magic" her voice started to incur anger but then subsided after awhile "Sigh... I really want to hit you right now"

"But you got your mana back because of me, right. So all is well" he shrugged

(A moment of silence)

"Lucas, I think I'm really about to hit you right now" Athanasia holding her fist up

"Try it if you can" he grinned

Athanasia fumed in anger, at the fact that she can't lay a finger on him.

"Hmph! I'll definitely be able to win against you someday" she said while pouting. "But then how about our previous deal, I said that I would help out the tower."

"Nothing has changed though, you are still gonna help me out" he grinned

"Ehhh.... you're so petty"

"You bumped into him didn't you?" he questioned

"By him, you mean him don't you. Well I did encounter him awhile ago, all I can say is that he's certainly is just like the emperor" her wearing a disappointed face

"Well then, you should rejoice" Lucas declared

"Rejoice? Wait, don't tell me"

"What you're thinking is certainly right. Anastacius will do the cleaning" he said with a smiling face on

.   .   .   .   .   .
Athanasia laughed awkwardly

"Really?" perplexed by his response

"I only speak of the truth"

At Anastacius

"Achoo...! Is someone talking about me or something?"

Back to Lucas and Athanasia

"Just wait a minute" Athanasia putting her hands at her temple "Okay, so did he accept your offer though?"

"It's not the matter if he did or not" he then took a butter knife and pointed it at Athanasia "He has no choice but to comply" 

Stunned as she is, she quicky composed herself.

"Sigh... Fine, put down the butter knife first" she said calmly

"Sia, you know all the basic spells, don't you?" putting down the knife


"Then, let's start your very first lesson from me" Lucas then stood up from his sit.

"Really, right now" munching a dessert

"Yeah. Did you perhaps made a plan already"

"Nothing really" she shrugged

"Then I guess there's no problem. Let's go" he handed out his hand to her

"Where are we going?" reaching for his hand

"Outside" Lucas then teleported the both of them outside the tower.

"How beautiful" Athanasia mumbled to herself 'The forest is so pretty'

Suddenly something came out of a bush.

"Bark..." A raven haired dog with amethyst eyes jumped over Athanasia

"Well that's a surprise, who would have known that the same magic beast you had before would also be your new one"

"But I didn't have one" surprised at Lucas claim

"You just didn't know"

"So that means this little one, is mine."  hugging the said dog

"Yes, it's yours"

Athanasia hearing this, can't help herself but to smile.

"He's so cute" pinching the dogs cheeks

"Now that were done there, let's start your training"

"Raven" Athanasia exclaimed


"Yeah, I decided that this little one's name is raven." holding the magic beast up

"Is that so." not caring about the magic beast "Since you already know the basics of magic, let's start with physical development" he declared

"Physical development?" she tilted her head

"Sia, do you perhaps know, why there are less and less competent magicians nowadays"

"There certainly has been less magicians that I can call competent." Suddenly a thought popped out Athanasia's head "Don't tell me, you had something to do with it" looking at Lucas with disgust

"What, of course not. What do you take me for"

"A thief "

"A thief?" he exclaimed

"Yes, you are. Then if you may, shall we start my training" she grinned at her victory

"Tch... fine." he said annoyingly

"Good boy" petting Raven

"Don't call me that" Lucas exclaimed turning around to look at the woman, just to see she was petting the magic beast.

"Call you what?" Athanasia asked

"Nothing" he shrugged in embarrassment

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