Chapter 10

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"You, you were awake?" he said startled

"Yeah, as you can see" she got up into a sitting position. "Why are you here?" coldly looking at him.

"This is my tower, I can go anywhere I want. Including your room" he remarked

"You certainly don't know the word privacy" she mumbled

"What?" he asked

"Nothing" she rolled her eyes "Are you here to apologize?"

"No" he declared

"If not, please get out" she covered herself with a blanket and got back to a sleeping position

"You...!" irritated by her. He tried to pull her blanket but did not succeed, for the woman was  also pulling the blanket.

"Stop, being childish Lucas!" she slapped Lucas's hand away.

"Ow..., really. Are you a princess or lioness?" 

"Neither" she sticked her tongue out, while holding the blanket

Lucas then stopped to see an injury in Athanasia's hand

"Sia, what happened to your hand?" gesturing to her hands

"Why would you even care?"

"Did that bastard do it?" he questioned

"Who?" tilting her head

"That damned rat" emitting a dark aura.


"Ouch!" caressing his head

"Seriously, stop calling people like that" *huff* putting her hands beside her waist "And no, this is not caused by my uncle or anything"

"Then why did you get hurt?" Lucas holding Athanasia's injured hand

"And why do I have to tell you?" she pulled her hand out from his hold. "It's not like we're close or anything."

Lucas then felt himself getting hit by a dagger

"Okay then, you may go back to sleep"

Lucas then teleported out of the room, leaving Athanasia by herself

"If you just apologized, I would have forgiven you. Stupid Lucas" she then proceeded to go back to sleep.

Hours later

A silhouette of an individual was to be seen inside the young maiden's room

"Seriously, you're such a klutz" grabbing the hand of the sleeping beauty gently. "You already learned magic, yet you don't heal yourself" a gentle light then enclosed the hand of the young maiden. The injury in her hand vanished, making it seem that there was no injury there before.

"Hmm..., Lucas?" she sat up "What are doing here again? You really have no sense of privacy" 

"Sigh, just go back to sleep. I'm only here to heal your hand" putting her hand down

"My hand?" she glanced at her hand, to see that the injury was gone "I see, thank you. But you didn't have to, it will be gone after a few days after all"

Athanasia saw the man was pondering about something. "Lucas, are you fine?" she asked worriedly.

"Sia, about yesterday"


"Sorry" looking away, revealing ears as red as a rose. 'Shit!' he thought to himself 'What the hell did I just say. Sorry? My pride is too high to say that, yet I did. I swear she putted a curse on me'

'His ears are red, his pride must have hurt. Pfft...' she thought "It's fine, I forgive you. It was also my fault for getting worked up. I'm sorry"

"Umm..., I guess thank you"

Athanasia suddenly clapped her hands, startling Lucas

"Now that that's done, can you go now?" smiling at him

"Ehh?" stunned by her words.

"What do you mean by 'Ehh?' It's still 2 a.m in the morning! The sun is still not up and I'm still sleepy." she exclaimed "So if you may" she menacingly smiled at him "Get" "out"

"Are you seriously kicking me out right now?"

"Yeah, so if you don't mind" Athanasia gestured to the door.

"Okay, okay. Really, sigh" Lucas stood up "Go to my office later, at 9" he demanded

"Why?" tilting her head

 *Smirk* "Secret" holding his index finger next to his mouth "Well then, good night Sia. See you tomorrow" Lucas then teleported out of the room

"I wonder" she pondered "Does he not know how to use the door?" she wondered. 'If he just teleports, what's the use of the doors?' she questioned herself. "Sigh... enough of this, I'm going to sleep"

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