Chapter 14

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6 months have passed. Over those past months, Athanasia mastered various kinds of magic, one of those was teleportation. With the permission of Lucas, she was able to go out town and roam around the streets.

With her wearing a disguise with long curly black hair and amethyst eyes. "Hmm... I found it. Lily's shop!" she gasped  in awe. "Lily's shop is very famous that people needs to have a reservation to buy from them. Thank god, I made a reservation in advance" Athanasia opened the door to the shop.

"Good day, lady. Welcome to Lippe's Cafe" a employee greeted

"Good day to you too. I believe I have made a reservation, here is the card" handing the card to her

"Hmm, Lady Valentine. Oh yes, just take a sit over there, a coworker of mine will then come get your order"

"Thank you"

"Yes, to you as well"

"Hey, who was that. She looks so beautiful"

"I know right, her name is Valentine"
The awed words of the maids

'Lippe, my favorite tea. Lily still remembers' Athanasia smile as she reminisce about the past

"Good day, lady. What would you want?" the gentle voice of the woman who was like a second mother to Athanasia


"I want a piece of chocolate cake, a plate of macarons and lippe tea, if you may" she ordered

"Is that all, my lady?" writing down on her notes

"Ah! Do you guys perhaps do take outs?"

"Yes we do"

"Then, can I take a strawberry and lemon tart"

"Yes you may"

"Thank you"

"Manager!" the agitated voice of the employee

"What is it, Mary?" the concerned words of Lily

"A customer is making a scene outside" pointing at the entrance

"Show me the way"

The two then hurriedly rushed outside.

"Why can't I get inside?!"

"Maam, you need to have reservation to get in" warned by the employee

"What?! Do you know who I am, I am Viscount Philio's daughter. You are just a servant, how dare you block my way. Get me the manager!" she demanded like a karen

"What is with the fuss?" Lily asked

"Hey, you're the manager here, right. Tell these lowly servant of yours to let me in."

"I am sorry to tell you, but we don't accept people without reservation"

"Scoff! I guess you're just like your servants then. People like you , who don't know their place, needs to be taught" the lady then lift her hand up  to slap Lily, but was caught by none other than Athanasia.

"Excuse me, lady. But I must say, you don't have manners, don't you" Athanasia slapping away the lady's hand

"Who are you?!" the irritated voice of the lady

"Ohh, you wouldn't wanna know" Athanasia dusting off her dress.  "I heard your the daughter of Viscount Philio, well what do you think if the Viscount hears of your actions" her threatening remark

" know my father" she stuttered

"Of course" she clapped her hands together

"Then help me" she demanded

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