Chapter 3

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I felt like I was outside of myself. As if I'd changed in some way, become someone else. Someone who didn't have to be quiet or follow rules or beg for attention. I'd become a being made entirely out of heat and sensation. A woman who demanded attention and got it. Who demanded pleasure and received it.

I laid on the bed, the sheets cold against my back, with Arthur's big, hard body stretched above me, and there was nowhere on earth that I'd rather be. I had no idea what his touch would mean. Had no idea that I would want him this badly. When he touched my breasts or the place where I needed it most, between my thighs. All I'd been aware of was how intense the sensations were, how incredible it felt when he touched me. When that piercing silver gaze raked over me. It wasn't cold anymore, but blazing hot.

There was more, of course, there was more. And when he came to his knees between my thighs and pulled my panties off, all I felt was relief. Because the need inside of me was building again. He'd dealt with it before with his magic fingers, but just looking at him, imagining what was going to happen, had the breath caught in my throat.

But not only for my pleasure. I was hungry to touch him too. Hungry to give him the same pleasure, to share what I was feeling with him.

I stared up at him as he looked down at me, his hungry gaze following every line of my naked form. Did he have anyone to keep him company? Did he have anyone who wanted to climb to the peak with him? Or was he too dangerous to scale? There were avalanches and storms, fissures and crevasses. A normal person would get hurt.

His eyes blazed as he got rid of his shirt and his hands dropped to the buckle of his belt, undoing it and pulling it off. His movements were slow and deliberate, but his jaw was tight. Tension rolled off of him. He was holding himself back, keeping that fire contained. And maybe it was a tease for both of us or maybe he didn't want to hurt me.

I sat up, running my hands up his powerful thighs as he knelt there, watching him as he undid the button of his pants.

"Do you like what you see?" His voice was deep and dark. "Do you want to touch me?"

"Yes." I slid my hands over his hips, feeling the smoothness and heat of his bare skin, tracing the hard lines of his stomach. "Yes, so much." I did.

He was a mountain. And I wanted to climb him.

Not that he gave me the opportunity.

Quickly, he stripped himself of the rest of his clothing, far too quickly for my liking, but he didn't listen to my protests and gave me no time to look over him. One minute he was there with his pants on, the next I was being pushed back onto the bed and he was over me again, this time naked.

And he was glorious. A powerful machine of muscle and bone overlaid with taut skin. He held himself above me, his arms flexing with little effort.

I lifted my hands and ran my fingertips over him, stroking him, watching those piercing silver eyes get molten. Then I glanced down.

He was long and thick, and when he noticed me looking, he grinned like a lion looking at an injured animal.

"Now then," Arthur said, his voice thick and sensual. "Where were we? Ah, yes.." His hips shifted between my thighs, the head nudging at me. Then he slid his hands beneath me, cupping my butt and tilting me. His gaze held mine, level and intense. "Are you ready?"

"What kind of stupid question is that? Yes." I tried to sound teasing and suave, but the excitement leaked into my voice and made me sound like a brave new teenager.

He didn't wait for more. As soon as the words had left my mouth, his hips flexed and he was pushing into me, a deep, slow thrust that tore another moan from my throat. I trembled slightly at the immense feeling spreading through my chest. Having him so close, inside of me, part of me.

Ketch Me if You CanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz