Chapter 7

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I did anything but what I was told. I waited for him to come back for an hour before I made the decision to explore a little. I pushed open the front door to Ketch' house, wanting to see if it only opened to Hell or would open to the forest. The first seemed to be the only option as the door opened out into the red halls. I frowned a little, exploring the forest around the house would've been the safer option, but this seemed to be just a replica of the house. Something Asmodeus had created to make Ketch comfortable, but still keeping him contained in Hell with no real way out. Well, sneaking around Hell seemed to be the only option.

I pushed the door open enough to squeeze out before pushing it slowly closed again. No one seemed to be around, but that didn't mean the walls didn't have eyes. Like I told Ketch when we'd first arrived here, if there were a Winchester in Hell, every demon would know in a matter of minutes. It was hard to shake the family smell or looks when you'd faced off against so many. I stayed against the walls as much as I could and followed the hall until I found the end. It was marked with a large steel door pressed flush into the rock walls. Skulls and spikes adorned it from bottom to top, and four long chains stretched across from each corner, meeting in the middle around the handles. There didn't appear to be a lock or a keyhole to open it. I was busy examining it when I heard voices coming from behind me. Shit. I ducked into a shallow doorway not far from the large door, trying to make myself still enough to just pass by.

"You're going to make us late." One demon grumbled.

"You're the one who insisted they felt something off about that human's room." Another responded.

Fuck. Did they really already know I was here? Or was there another human staying in Hell other than Ketch?

"And there was wasn't there?" The first huffed, "You said you could tell someone else had been there, too!"

"That doesn't mean I think it's anything important." The second argued.

They were getting too close at this point. I held my breath and tried to squeeze deeper into the recess.

"Well, we can worry about it later." The first one passed in front of me, he was tall and thin. Red blonde hair and scruff covered his head. His natural eyes were blue. He was dressed like a typical demon grunt, nicely kept business attire.

"Ya, ya. Gotta report to the.." The second came into view now. He was shorter and rounder. His dirty blonde hair was shaggy and his face clean shaven. He was dressed like a demon who'd just been on the surface, in rugged street clothes. His green eyes met mine. "Intruder!"

I was made. I jumped from the small cut-out and tried to bolt, but the first demon was in front of me before I could move more than a foot. Double fuck. I'd be in so much trouble for this.

"Well looky here." The first demon said, stalking forward towards me, "Told ya so, Aamon."

Aamon, the green-eyed demon huffed, "You would've walked right past her if I hadn't seen her, Rarrith."

"What are you doing here, human?" Rarrith asked, now face to face with me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I never had liked working with demons, even working with Crowley still made me nervous sometimes. "I'm here to see your boss, Asmodeus." I tried to sound confident in my blatant lie. That was the last thing I wanted right now.

"Really?" Rarrith stalked around me, "Why don't I believe you?"

"Would you really defy an order from him?" I said, "You'd get in a lot of trouble if I don't see him."

"Because a Winchester never comes here just 'to see the boss'." Aamon mocked me.

"We're not all bad, ya know," I said, trying to keep my eyes on Rarrith as he continued to circle me.

Ketch Me if You CanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant