Chapter 9

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I pulled another spell book from the library's old shelves. It was the sixth I'd looked through this evening alone. And we'd already spent several days looking for...I wasn't sure. We'd told Elly that we were looking for a way to get her home, but that wasn't completely true. We knew how to do that already, we were just short on Archangel grace and a witch to read the spell correctly. Not that I didn't trust Sam to do it, but it would be nice to have Rowena on our side again.

Cas had returned with pomegranates from the Garden of Eden the day Ketch had brought my lifeless body back to the bunker. A good coincidence for once. I still had little to no clue what had happened to Mom or Jack, and the boys were hesitant to talk about it for some reason. I just knew they'd gotten sucked into the apocalypse world. And we had Cas looking into Asmodeus, but that was as slow going as finding Rowena or Lucifer was. My mouth tasted sour at the thought of asking the devil for help again, but we didn't have other options.

I flipped through the dusty pages, walking down the short hall to the map table. My eyes were glued to a page about tracking spells when I came into the room. We'd all been huddled here the last few days searching for answers.

"Did anyone find anything...." I trailed off as I looked up from the book. I stopped in my tracks and took in the entire situation before thinking about whether it was funny or not.

The boys were silently standing off the one side, ignoring the prize on the table. They'd somehow caught Ketch off his guard and had tied him to a chair, interrogation style but added an apple in his mouth. I glanced from him to where Elly was standing, trying her hardest not to laugh.

"I'm getting better at knots." She said, all too excited about what was going on. She took my arm and lead me to the man, walking me around to look at all the ties. I smiled when Ketch rolled his eyes.

"I'm assuming you two helped hold him still long enough for this?" I looked at the boys again. I slid a finger down one of Ketch' arms, it was held firmly behind the back of the chair, tied at the wrists and around his chest.

"We may have helped a little bit," Sam said, also trying to hide a laugh. Dean still stood silently, smiling like a proud father.

I removed the apple and leaned in close to Ketch' ear. "I'll have to remember this for another time. I could use this." I whispered.

"Watch your tongue, love. Two can play at that game." He growled coldly.

I chuckled, straightening up. "Elly you are getting better at your knots."

She threw her hands into the air, "I knew you'd think so!"

I slid the book I was still carrying onto the table, walking back behind Ketch. "Unfortunately, that'll have to be the end of today's lesson. I'm letting him go."

There was a whine from the boys and Elly, but they didn't stop me from untying the Brit. I could see the tension leave his shoulders as I loosened the ropes, eventually pulling his arms forward and rubbing his wrists. I could imagine how sore they were. I put a hand on his shoulder, asking him to stay put for a second longer.

"How does it feel to be the one tied to a chair?" I whispered again, playing with the fire now.

His molten silver eyes found mine, there was a hunger behind them, fueled by the embarrassment I'm sure this had caused. "Don't push me, I will keep you tied up all night." He whispered back.

I laughed and stood up, releasing his shoulder. I watched him stand and leave the room, no doubt going to my room to either sulk or wait for me. I couldn't wipe the stupid grin off my face as I turned back to the rest of the room. Dean had walked off, probably to get a beer, and I could see Elly walking around the bookshelves again. That left Sam sitting at the map table now, staring at the book I'd placed down.

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