Chapter 32

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Alex's POV

I jumped the table, spinning and dropping next to Elly as she clutched her head. She had come flying through the golden rift and smacked into one of the table legs. She lay curled now, clutching her head where it was bleeding slightly. She coughed a few times, wincing with the pain. I pulled her into my arms, hugging her tightly to my chest.

"I was so worried I'd lost you," I mumbled into her hair.

I pushed her back, holding her upright now as I looked her over more. A new bruise sat around her neck like a choker. The elbow of her jacket was stained red with blood and there was a sizable chunk of her long beautiful hair cut away. She kept coughing, struggling for breath as I let go of her.

"Where's Lucifer?" I asked.

She gave a strained laugh through one of the coughs. She extended a hand to me and I helped her to her feet. She looked around the full room "Michael has him," she replied hoarsely. "How did you get everyone here so fast?"

I followed her gaze around the room. I had had enough time to gather the family emergency essentials. Bobby stood ready with Dean, a shotgun pointed square at the rift for any unwanted guests. Jody and Donna stood back with Charlie, each with an angel blade in hand. Sam stood just inside the hallway with Crowley and Rowena, ornate bowl in hand, ready to send Elly home. Cas, Cael, and Gabe were at the other end of the table, they'd been talking strategy when the rift had suddenly opened and Elly had shot from it, but each now had glowing eyes and ethereal wings spread, ready for action. Mary and Jack had been studying several books, hurriedly looking for another archangel weakness. Ketch appeared at my side and took Elly's shoulder. She nodded at the concerned look in his eyes, silently saying she was ok.

"What are we looking at?" Dean asked.

"Oh, ya know." Elly shrugged, "He's only got a few hundred angels. Nothing big."

"Right." Dean nodded, focusing on the rift once more.

"Crowley, how's the next rift coming?" I asked, handing Elly a gun as she looked at me with sad eyes. "We're getting you back home. No choice, you're going home."

"Just need her, Mouse," Crowley answered, dropping dried bits of fruit into the bowl.

"Right now?" She complained, "I can't yet."

"I am not going to endanger your life any more than I already have. You're going home." I told her, supporting her as I headed for the hallway. "I need you to live."

"I'm not ready to go yet," Her voice was small, weak. "I...I finally feel like something here. I can help."

"You don't have a choice. It's not safe for you here." I took her face in my hand, "As much as I'd love to keep you around, I'm not going to lose..."

The next words were stolen from my lips as there was another surge of magic from the rift and a second body flew through it. This one going much faster than Elly had. It crashed into the far wall of the server room, denting the wall behind him as he slid to the floor.

"Lucifer!" Elly yelled.

"He's coming..." Lucifer's new vessel said, struggling to his feet.

I watched as we all struggled over the "new" Lucifer for a few seconds, minds trying to wrap around how it was still the same vessel. All thoughts of the rift and the monster waiting behind it forgotten. Until it fluttered with magic again and our attention was dragged back as the tall figure of Michael stepped through it and into our world. We all stood ready, suddenly rigged, waiting to spring.

"My oh my, you didn't say there would be a welcoming party for me." Michael smiled, the rift behind him shimmering as it shrank ever so slightly, "This feels like too much."

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