Chapter 19

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"You'll be fine, Elly." I patted her shoulder gently as we walked through the tattoo parlor door, Dean on our heels.

"Says the one who has five..." Elly grumbled.

"True, doesn't mean I wasn't scared though," I said, trying for the umpteenth time to calm her nerves.

"You should've seen it when she got her first backpiece done." Dean chimed in, "She bawled!"

"I'm not the one who drunkenly got my boyfriend's name tattooed." It was a low blow, but one that would stop him before he shared too many things. Plus, it would make Elly laugh.

"Hey! You promised not ot bring that up again!" Dean's cheeks turned a shade of pink.

"Ya well," I shrugged, "You bring up the crying, I bring up the tramp stamp."

And I was right. I could hear Elly laughing as we squabbled in front of the counter. It was a good sound. A wholesome sound. It made me smile. Maybe she would be ok.

I took her hand and led her to a small waiting area while Dean talked to the lady who'd come up to the counter. He'd have to do some sweet talking to get us in so last minute, but that's what I'd brought him along for.

"You ok?" I asked Elly.

"I'm anxious." She gave a nervous laugh. "I don't think I've ever told you, but I don't like needles. I passed out getting an IV once."

"You have not told me that." I looked down at her. She was clutching herself tightly, white as a ghost. "Ya know, it's just like a ton of little bee stings. Not that bad."

"Please don't. I will have a counterattack for anything you say." Another nervous bubble of laughter, "I was very good at it in high school. Mom said I should've been studying law. I'll always make it worse."

I let out my own nervous laughter, "Right. I believe you. But you gotta trust me here, Elly. You'll be ok."

"Will you hold my hand?" I stared at her, taking in the true fear in her eyes, and nodded. Elly sighed. "I have a stick and poke. I've had IVs. I was tortured in hell for fuck's sake. I can handle a tattoo right?"

"You can handle a tattoo." I chuckled, "You wanna impress Dean, right? This is a step in that direction."

"He has an ass tat. I'm sure anything I do is more impressive than that."

I fell back against the wall with laughter, "I'll have to show you the video I took during. God, he was so drunk."

"I will not say no to seeing him naked. But I don't want ot know why you were also there." She shook her head, a small smile on her face. It dropped as soon as Dean called us over. She groaned.

"You'll be fine. I'm right here and I'll hold your hand just like Cas did for Dean." I said as he walked back over to us.

"Please stop telling her about that..." He frowned.

"Not for as long as it embarrasses you, oh brother of mine. I will never let you live it down." I smiled at him, watching the silent laughter swim in his eyes.

"If you need something against her to make it fair," Elly said, "She shot me."

I groaned, "You were the one who jumped in front of a gun."

Dean gave us a confused look. I hadn't told him about what happened yet. I hadn't wanted to but, by the look he was giving me now, it seemed I had to now.

He shook his head and pushed Elly towards the back of the parlor. "Let's get this over with so we can find Lucifer."

"Agreed." I nodded, taking Elly's hand as we walked towards the artist.

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