Chapter 17

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It had only been an hour. The pacing was starting to not be enough to keep me awake. I could feel the exhaustion pulling at my bones and making my body slow and unreliable. I was moments from giving up and falling back into the recliner to find my way to sleep when a blood-curdling scream shattered the silent night.

My heart jumped into my throat and I raced for the couch where the sound had come from, and where Elly was now squirming and continuing to scream.

"Elly!" I said, taking her by the shoulders and gently shaking her, "Elisabeth!" She jumped in my arms, eyes shooting open as I pulled her tight to me. Her nails dug into my back, the tears streaming down her face and drenching my shirt. "'re ok."

I jumped when I felt a hand on my other shoulder. I looked up at Ketch, I had forgotten that he'd just been in the kitchen. I was thankful for his presence right now.

"They're mad." Elly gasped, suddenly pulling back from me. Her eyes were wide, fearful, "They know we took Gabe. They're so mad, Alex."

"It was just a nightmare, Elly," I said softly, leaning forward to rest my forehead against hers. I stared deep into her eyes, she looked so terrified. The blue there was shattered with flecks of grey.

"They...they broke my bones..." Her breathing was rapid, "Every bone.."

I gently took her head in my hands. She closed her eyes tightly. "Breathe, Elly," I said, gently wiping the tears from her face. "Elisabeth, take a deep breath."

"They were using a hammer..." She took a gasping breath, "To break my knees. And they they broke my fingers..."

"Breathe, Elly," I instructed again. This time she shakily took in a deep breath and exhailed it again before collapsing into me. "I've got you. I won't let them take you again."

"Can I help in any way?" Ketch asked quietly.

"She's not going to go back to sleep after that." I sighed. "Can you make coffee? I think there's some in the kitchen."

Ketch nodded and was off. I smiled a little as he left the room, my mind wondering again about thoughts of a normal life with him. Would he be that kind with children? Not like you can have any anyway. The thought was nastier than it needed to be, but it was enough to bring me back to what was real and in front of me.

"Come on," I helped Elly to her feet, still holding onto her. "We'll get you something to drink and you can tell me more about what happened, if you want to."

"Is everything alright?" Cas said, coming up from the basement as we passed by the door. "We heard screaming and..." His blue eyes stopped on Elly, who was still sniffling, "Oh."

I nodded, continuing to lead Elly into the kitchen and to a chair. I sat across from her as Ketch placed a mug in front of her.

"It won't be the best, instant never is, but it's warm." I tried to smile at her, but Elly was still in the dream. She stared at the dark liquid swirling in the cup. "Elly, It wasn't real."

"It still hurts." She mumbled.

Cas came up next to her, "Would you mind if I...?" I reached a hand toward her, and Elly nodded.

Cas gently placed his hand on her forehead, but quickly pulled it back, as if he'd been burnt. I looked at the angel, as confused as he looked.

"It was a nightmare?" He questioned, placing a hand on her shoulder instead. Elly nodded. "How long have you had them?"

"Since...since I got back from Hell." She stammered.

"But you can feel them?" Elly nodded again. Cas' hand went to his chin as he thought, "Do you mind if I search through your head?"

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