Chapter 31

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Elly POV

I was staring at my hands, now covered in dirt and crushing the moist leaves underneath them. I could feel the leftover moisture from the rain soaking into my knees. What had I just done? What the FUCK had I just done! I fell back onto my heels, hands going to my head before I jumped up and spun around. Just in time to see Lucifer snap his fingers and dust the angels that had come with Michael. The silvery dust floated to the ground in piles, leaving only Michael in his long dark coat.

This worlds Michael was dark-skinned. His black hair was shorn close at the sides and short on top. The slight beard he had on his face was just as dark as the wicked smile he wore on his lips. His eyes had been dark brown when he'd landed, but now they glowed a marvelous teal blue.

He clicked his tongue, "Oh dear Lucifer." The air around Michael seemed to crackle with electricity. "Do you want to do this again, brother?"

Lucifer took a step forward, a step between the other archangel and I, a step that was ready for a fight. I could feel the panic in my blood before it was overwhelming my brain. I knew Lucifer couldn't take on Michael. Sure, he had most of his grace back, but he wouldn't be able to keep up. My hands moved without me telling them to, and drew my gun from its holster. Dean's voice echoed in my head. These are angel killing.

I took the shot. Quick, uncalculated, filled with fear as the noise fractured the air around us. I took a deep breath, opened my eyes, not remembering ever shutting them, and found the bullet frozen in mid-air, mere inches from Michael's nose. His hand was up, a deadly smile on his face as he held the bullet there in thin air. He looked around it at me, glowing eyes sharing the same crooked grin.

"Nice shootin', sweetie." He slowly closed his hand and the bullet turned red and melted away. "I think you might even be the best I've seen."

I took a glance at Lucifer, his blue eyes wide and staring at me. He hadn't known I could shoot a gun, and probably thought I wouldn't have been brave enough to try. I looked away from him, focusing on my target again and pulling the trigger once more. And again, the bullet stopped with a simple wave of Michael's dark fingers. He wasn't smiling this time.

"It was cute the first time." He waved his hand again, and the gun in my hand became incredibly hot. I cried out, dropping the thing before it turned to molten metal in my hand. "Now, is this really how you want to do things?"

I was ready for the fight that I knew was undoubtedly ahead of us. I knew the odds of me making it out alive were slim to none. But I would do everything to keep him out of their world. Anything to keep them safe. And if that meant dying here, then so be it.

"We can help you get through." Lucifer's voice was desperate. He didn't want to die here either.

I couldn't help the look I threw at him. What the Hell was he doing? Offering a way for Michael to fuck up another world? I knew that in the show it had been to save his skin, but now, he was standing between me and the deadly angel. This wasn't for his gain anymore, he wanted to keep me safe. And his words had caught Michael's attention. The dark angel's head tilted to the side and he strode effortlessly up to Lucifer, his dark eyes burning.

"I...I saw how they made it. It's a pomegranate, some blood, a glowing rock. And the spell, I know the spell! It''s.." Lucifer swallowed hard, "Kuth...Kuth something."

"Koth Munto Notox..." I repeated from where I stood.

Both angel's attention snapped to me. Lucifer's blue eyes begged me not to say anything more, but Michael's smoldering spheres demanded I say more. He shoved Lucifer to the ground and stepped over his body. His hand was around my neck before I could regret the words I'd said, my back pushed up against the rough bark of a tree.

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