Chapter 24

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"Why the fuck didn't you answer any of my calls?!" Elly demanded as I helped Ketch into his bunker. "And you! You're such an asshole!" Her crystal blue eyes boiled as she looked him over. "You left me with some random dead body!"

He smiled tenderly at her. "It wasn't some random body, just one of Gabe's decoys." He pushed off from me and hobbled over to her, gently placing a hand on her shoulder, "I owe you thanks, for keeping her safe and reasonable."

"I don't think 'reasonable' is what I did to those men," I said, leaning against the glass table.

Elly looked at us both and took in the scratches and cuts, the bruises and red marks. Then she smiled. She reached up towards Ketch, and roughly pulled his collar aside, revealing a freshly bruised area. Ketch took a quick step back, almost knocking himself over, and cleared his throat. I covered my mouth with my hand, hiding a smile.

"Why so embarrassed, pretty boy?" Elly asked, a snide smile on her lips, "Think I haven't seen a hickey before?"

"Elly," I chuckled softly, "He's just embarrassed to admit he cares about us all." I tried to regain her attention. "Has Sam found Gabe yet? He was in the old bunker."

"Gabe's fine. He got back a little after I did," Her eyes didn't leave Ketch' face, "Your knees better be just as bruised. I might have to take over if they're not."

"Elly!" I said, laughing a bit too hard. "Show me where the boys are, I should probably talk to them." I pushed off the table and grabbed at her arm.

"Was it in her car or on your bike?" She continued, fighting against my grip, "I'd admire your thigh strength if it was your bike."

"Elly, come on." I rolled my eyes, giving one last tug towards the hall before she started following me. "We need to go explain everything to the boys before Dean kills something." I pushed her in front of me.

Elly turned and stuck her tongue out, her last defiance before walking down the hall. I waited for Ketch to hobble up to me for support again before following after her. I had done what I could with the emergency supplies in my car to stop the bleeding, and all but the bullet wound in his leg had stopped, but that one would need a bit of help from Cas before it was fixed.

"Dean won't like me coming back," Ketch whispered, "He barely tolerated me before this."

"I know." I sighed, "He'll just have to listen."

"I'm not sure my reasons are going to keep him from blowing up." He laughed nervously.

"It'll be ok. Cas will keep it from becoming a fight." I smiled up at him.

He didn't look reassured as we caught up with Elly as she stood outside one of the larger meeting rooms. She took a deep breath and pushed the door open. The voices that flooded through the opening were comforting until we came into the frame and they stopped.

Sam was the first to react, "God! You're ok!" He broke from the rest of the small group and pulled me into a hug, "She's told us what happened. I'm just glad you're..." His attention fell on Ketch as he leaned against the door frame.

"Please, don't Sam..." I breathed into his ear. "He has a lot of explaining to do."

"You know I'm not the..."

"You fucking bastard!" I looked over Sam's shoulder and saw Dean stomping in our direction. "How dare you show your fucking face here again?!"

"Well. You are staying in my bunker." Ketch was smug, and it only made things worse.

"You fucking..."

"Dean," Elly caught Dean's shoulder and stopped him, "It's fine. There's some explaining that needs to be done."

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