Chapter 12

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*Elly's POV*

It was dark here. Wherever here was. I still wasn't sure. It felt like I'd been sleeping for eternity. Alex... My mind was screaming it. The same word over and over again. Alex... No, not a word. A name. Someone's name. It echoed through my brain, somehow pulling me through the haze of darkness. My eyes wanted to open now. There wasn't much to look at when they did open.

There was a dark red haze that hung over everything, and through it, I could barely see the ceiling of a cell. It looked like old metal, with orange patches of rust spreading over its surface. I turned my head from left to right, looking at the rest of my surroundings as well as testing my neck, glad to find that it wasn't stiff or hurting. The rest of my holdings looked like a cage, the same old, warn metal of the ceiling. There was an even older-looking bed to my right, odd that I had been laid on the floor and not in the bed. Whoever had put me here hadn't seemed to care about me enough.

"Are you done?" a voice yelled from somewhere to my right, further in the haze. "Alex save me! Alex!" It was a mocking tone. "You're going to make the pitchfork-holding dicks come back."

I slowly sat up and looked in that direction, trying ot see anything through the red. But it was hard to see anything but another pair of bars. "Pitchfork holding dicks?" I called, slowly standing and walking closer to the bars, "You mean the demons?"

"Whoa. Got a captain obvious over here," the voice shot back, annoyed. "No one else could've brought you here."

"Where, exactly, is here?" Any information at all would be helpful right now. It was just whether or not this person would be willing to give it.

"If I knew that, do you think I'd still be down here?" The face that appeared next to the bars was one I hadn't expected. His shaggy blonde hair looked messy and unkempt, but not unclean. His vessel's face looked like he hadn't slept in a millennium. And those china blue eyes held a darkness no one else could've had.

"Lucifer?" I asked, taking a small step back from my bars. "You're not supposed to be here. You should be out."

Those blue eyes squinted at me, studying me carefully. "Out?" He asked, "What do you mean 'out'?"

"I don't...know how to explain." I stumbled over my words. I could feel my heart in my throat. It wasn't every day you found yourself face-to-face with the devil.

"We've got all the time in the world, cupcake." Lucifer rolled his eyes.

What the fuck was going on here? I closed my eyes to think, fingers going to my temples. How the hell had I ended up here? And with fucking Lucifer no less. What the fuck was this? It had to all be a dream. Some sort of nightmare made up by Asmodeus or something. I opened my eyes again slowly and looked back at the devil, he was resting against the bars of his cell lazily. Like he was bored with me already.

"I'm from another world." I tested, moving closer to my bars again. I watched him as he straightened up a little, seemingly interested again. "And in that world, there aren't monsters. Or magic. All we have are old stories."

"That sounds incredibly boring, doll." His index finger tapped lightly on one of the bars, sending a small pinging echo through the mist.

I shrugged, "It's safer that way. We don't have to worry about randomly being attacked by something we don't know exists." He stuck his tongue out in disgust, "In that world, you only exist in the bible and as a character in several TV shows." The tapping stopped, his full attention was on me now. His eyes were unblinking as he stared at me. I took a long enough pause that he waved a hand in the air, signaling me to continue. "And in one of them, a rather popular one based on this world," I waved my arms in a circle around myself, "You're already out of here."

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