Chapter 20

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The morning sunlight was warm as it danced across my face, waking me from a not-so-pleasant dream. I slowly opened my eyes and yawned, stretching under the soft cotton sheets. I smiled as the wild dream faded from memory, nothing more than a few dark flashes of some horrible nightmare. I rolled over and nuzzled into my husband's back, he was still warm from the well-deserved night's sleep.

"You're awake." He said, sleep still at the edges of his voice.

He turned to me and pulled me into a kiss. It was short, sweet, full of love. We pulled away and I stared into his g̷̗̐r̸̗̈ȇ̴̢ë̴͇n̶͚̈́.̶́͜ ̷͖̄B̴̛̥l̶̾͜u̸͎̐ȇ̷͎.̴̗͠ ̷̳̏G̴̻͝ŕ̴̫e̵̛̻y̵͔̋. Brown eyes. They glowed almost amber in the sunlight. I ran my hand through his messy b̸̥̕r̵̟̂ò̸͎w̷̨̅n̶͖̽.̸͎̓ Dirty blonde hair and pressed my forehead to his, closing my eyes again.

"Do we have to get up, Dex?" I asked quietly.

He chuckled, "You know he'll be in here any second if we don't." He kissed my forehead, "And you need to brush your teeth. Your breath stinks."

I swatted at him playfully, and he jumped away from me, laughing and sliding from the bed. I opened my eyes again and watched him walk away towards our bathroom, his i̴̡̕v̸͔͠o̸͉͑r̵̰͠y̸̗̆.̶̼͛ ̵̯́T̴̯̃a̷̪̎ṋ̸̆ṇ̵͐e̷͈͠d̵̥̓.̷̢̂ Amber colored skin taught against his muscles.

I smiled to myself. He was perfect. I still couldn't believe I had met him. It felt like a dream now that ten perfect years ago I had been a bumbling intern and had accidentally spilled coffee on him. I thought I'd never be able to apologize enough, but he'd simply laughed it off and told me he'd repay a cleaners ticker with dinner. And things had been perfect ever since. Even the way he had proposed to me three years ago was perfect. We'd been at Yellowstone National Park, right in front of Old Faithful, and he had dropped on one knee and asked the question right as the geyser went off. It was more than I could ever ask for. Our wedding had been full of friends and family and not a single thing had gone wrong. I closed my eyes, relishing in the memories since then.

But as if on cue, I heard small feet pounding down the hallway. And before I could brace myself, our bedroom door was being flung open, and our beautiful three-year-old, clad in his dinosaur jammies, was jumping into our bed. I immediately burst from the covers and pulled him underneath them again with me, a shrill bout of laughter coming from him.

"You're up so early!" I teased, tickling the young boys' sides.

He shrieked with more laughter, "But momma! It's breafas time!"

I suddenly stopped tickling my son and looked into his g̴͓̓r̷͍̔e̵͈͝ÿ̶̟́.̵̫̄ ̸̼̓Ǧ̴͓r̵͖̉e̵̫̕e̴͐ͅn̸͔̾.̶̻̌ ̸̠̀ Hazel eyes. "That's not the only thing it's time for. Do you know what today is?"

The smile on his face grew wider, "It's my birfday!"

I gasped, "Is it?!" I pulled the boy into my arms and flopped onto my back, hoisting him high into the air above me, "How old are you today Reese?"

He could barely contain his giggles, "I'm four momma!"

"Oh, you're so smart!" I dropped him to my chest and hugged him close. "You know momma loves you?"

"Yes, momma." His giggles were quieter now as he snuggled into me.

"What's this?" Dex said, coming back into the bedroom, "A snuggle party without Dad?! No fair!"

The much larger man jumped onto the bed, making Reese and I jump just a little bit before Dex grabbed us both and pulled us into his arms. Reese laughed again as he was settled in between us.

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