Chapter 29

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"Ooooh." The red-haired witch cooed after we'd all gathered in the server room and she'd seen the ring. "Aren't you a lucky little thing?" Rowena smiled as she gazed at the blood-red ruby, "Never imagined you as the type to settle down. With all the monsters and whatnot. But look at your glow. Beautiful." Her bottle-green eyes took in Elly as she stood silently next to us. "And who might you be darling? I don't believe I've had the pleasure."

"I'm Elly." The young blond answered, sticking her hand out to shake Rowena's.

"Well, aren't you just adorable. Almost makes me wish I'd had a daughter instead." Rowena's smile was gentle, and her thick accent pleasant. I had always liked the witch. She was classy yet strong and mischievous. Everything she did was for her gain. She took what she wanted as if it was hers all along and never looked back. "Bless your heart."

"Right, here's all the ingredients." Dean came into the server room, arms full of the ritual components. "Can we stop messing around and get this over with?"

"Don't be impatient with me, boy," Rowena warned, her hand snaking out and plucking a piece of Dean's hair before he could react. He scowled at her. "Something from that world," she smiled at him, a laugh in her eyes.

Rowena turned to the rest of the collection on the glass table, rummaging through it until she had everything ordered like she wanted it. I could see Elly watching intently out of the corner of my eye. She seemed all too excited to see real magic. She had been bouncing with excitement about it all morning.

"Just the grace then?" Rowena asked as she began adding things to the ornate bowl. She looked around until her eyes settled on Gabe.

"I'm afraid I'm fresh out," The angel rolled his eyes.

Dean sighed and motioned to Ketch to follow him. "We'll get him," Dean called as they walked towards Lucifer's confinement.

I watched Elly's smile fade and fall. She snaked her hand into mine and squeezed it gently. "I have to warn you. Don't force him to do this. It will only end badly. And I am not leaving him there."

I wasn't sure what she was talking about. She had mentioned before Rowena arrived that the show had ended its season in a weird twist, but she'd refused to go into detail. She was afraid if she told me too much, things wouldn't happen the way they were supposed to. So I'd left it alone.

"It'll be fine Elly." I assured her, "You don't know what'll happen. Not everything on that show has been correct."

"Can you see the future dear?" Rowena asked, taking a seat now as we waited for the boys to return.

"In a way?" Elly explained, "I know one path, but it's not always right because things can change." She sighed, looking between us with clear blue eyes, "Can't Cael do this?"

"I'm not an archangel," Cael said cooly from where he stood, mid-conversation with Cas and Gabe.

"Can you tell us what happens, Elly?" Sam questioned her from the other side of the table.

Elly looked over him, searching his face for several seconds like she wanted to tell him, then shook her head. I knew she didn't want to tell him. The little that she had told me had been that Sam was the one who messed things up. I squeezed her hand as Ketch and Dean returned, dragging an arguing Lucifer into the room.

Lucifer laughed as they pushed him towards the table and his blue eyes landed on Rowena. The red witch stiffed, pushing a small curl behind her ear. "Pretty sure I killed you little red."

Elly squeaked softly as Lucifer was shoved to his knees, the handcuffs Rowena had made jingling at his wrists. I watched the archangel as they positioned the bowl in front of him, his snide smile never fading.

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