Chapter 8

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I sucked air in like I hadn't taken a breath in days. Immediately I threw myself forward as my body convulsed in a coughing fit, struggling to bring in enough air to fill my burning lungs. But I was alive, in my own body again, and it seemed for the most part I was healed. I looked myself over, the bandages that were covering my chest had been removed, and replaced with smooth, mostly unblemished flesh. There were thin scars, but grace or a witch's power could only do so much. I tested the rest of my limbs, moving everything gingerly and testing for breaks before taking in the rest of my surroundings. I was in the bunker again, laying on the map table. At least I'd been right about Ketch having to bring me back here. But where was everyone? There was no welcoming party waiting for me to come back to. I pushed myself to the edge and then off of the map table, taking careful steps until my legs felt sturdy again.

"Dean?" I called weakly, walking towards the hall, "Sam?"

There was no response, but I could begin to hear voices coming from the study. It sounded like an argument. What could it have been about? I knew the boys wouldn't be happy about Ketch bringing me here battered to hell after ignoring them for forty-eight hours, but that wasn't anything new at this point, or at least the disappearing part wasn't. The suit carrying my lifeless body might have been. I started to listen the closer I got to the study.

"Ok, you brought her back. We healed her, you know she's ok. Why are you still here?" That was Dean, I would recognize his barely concealed dislike anywhere.

"As I've already explained," That was Ketch, good. He was ok. "I have nowhere else to go. I'll be hunted down. This is the safest option."

"I'd say good riddance..." Dean again.

"Dean.." Sam huffed as I came around the door frame, "He did bring us..."

The conversation stopped, all eyes on me.

"No, please. Don't stop the party just because I'm here." I cracked, my throat dry.

I was immediately pulled into a bear hug, Dean holding me close and squeezing. "You're gonna break my ribs." I squeaked out.

"I don't care. We'll fix them again." He mumbled but released me all the same.

Sam came next, pulling me into a gentler hug before tussling my hair and letting go. "Next time, please just come home."

"I'll think about it," I smiled, fixing my hair and finally laying eyes on Ketch. They'd tied him to a chair, and he looked like Dean hadn't been very nice about it. A black eye and bruised lip were evidence enough of that. "Dean...he saved my life." I walked over to the chair, running my hand over Ketch' shoulder as I walked behind it.

"And? He's the reason you were in that situation." Dean huffed, folding his arms across his chest.

"No, I did that to myself. Got too nosey." I said, focusing on undoing the knots of rope until Ketch could pull his wrists free.

He sighed, rubbing his wrists where they'd been held and giving me a small thank you. I walked back around to the boys.

"I have a..." My phone rang, "I'll fill you in in a moment."

I took the phone out of my pocket, and an unfamiliar number on the screen. I hit answer, hope beating through my heart.

"Elly?" I waited, uneasy.

"I'm so fucking glad you answered." She sounded relieved.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. There are a couple of street signs. Hang on, let me look for a newspaper or something." The line went silent, only the wind blew through the receiver for a few seconds. "I think I'm in Protection? I don't know. That's the only city name I can find."

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