Chapter 4

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I stepped out of my car at the motel Sam had sent me to, checking his last text message as I did.

'Amber Inn Motel in Le Mars. Should be about 30min outside Sioux City. Charlie will meet you with the case we sent her on. Room 4.'

I smiled as I recognised Charlie's beautiful old yellow bug outside one of the rooms. I walked up to the door of room four and knocked on the door twice, paused, and knocked three times again. I was almost knocked over when Charlie flung the door open and pulled me into a hug.

"Alex Winchester! If you're not a sight for sore eyes!" The red haired woman lifted me off my feet and squeezed me.

"If you don't put me down you'll be the thing that kills me." I chuckled.

"Right! Sorry." Charlie released me and I dropped back down. "So Sam said you're gonna join me for this hunt?"

"Ya, something about vamps and some priest blood?" I had thought it was a weird combination when Sam had originally told me about it, but now that I'd had time to think about it, it made since for vamps to be connected to anything blood related.

"Yup! Come inside and I'll explain more." Charlie moved out of the door way and ushered me inside the motel room before closing the door.

"So what news do you have on all this?" I asked as I sat my stuff on the far bed.

"Just the usual. Body drained of blood, animal mutilations, missing people." She said as she stepped over to where her laptop was set up.

"So nothing out of the ordinary? How did you know the blood was here?" It was weird to just take a guess and end up in the right spot.

"Well. Partially luck, and partially my brian just doin' it's thing." She smiled to herself.

I laughed, "You'll have to explain, Charlie. I'm not sure I know how your brain works."

She puffed out her cheeks. "Well, you know that vamps usually pick pretty rundown and creepy places to nest up in right?"


"Well, this group has decided to hole up in the local church a few miles outside of town." Charlie looked up at me over the top of the screen.

"A church? I thought they couldn't go onto hollowed ground or whatever." I sat on the edge of the bed.

"Exactly. So how and why are they there?" She mostly asked herself the question. "From what I've seen the church is still active, it's an old Methodist church. They don't even have a website."

"Ok. So vamps in a still active church. Have you looked into the people going to services there? Are they all vamps?" This was beginning to sound like a big nest.

"I did, and they aren't. The nest seems to be fairly small, only around ten vamps that I've seen. And they don't show up during services. I think they hole up below the church during the day."


"Most likely, I think there's an access hatch to it in the main church somewhere." Charlie looked back to her screen, "It's been hard to even find blueprints of this place."

"Really? That seems like something everything has now a days." I fell back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling.

"Ya, I had to go to the library to find the old layouts in their archive." I could hear her sigh.

I smiled, "That sounds like something Sam would like."

Charlie scoffed, "He probably would a lot more than I did. Everything was so dusty and what hot chick goes to the library anymore?"

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