Chapter 6

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When I woke up, I wasn't staring at the ceiling of Elizabeth Castle's room like I normally did after dying. No. This time I was staring up at a very white, very clean ceiling. I blinked and winced. My head hurt. What was going on? I should be in Elly's body in the other world, letting mine recuperate in my world. Had Elly also been hurt? I tried to sit up, but the searing pain in my chest made me lay back down. No, this was still my body. So I hadn't died then. Then where the fuck was I?

I looked to my left and right the best I could with a stiff neck. I could see the walls on either side of me. White trimmed with black and gold. The side table I could just see in my peripheral looked like dark oak with a very fancy lamp sitting on top. I could feel silk sheets between my fingers. I groaned. I was back in the hotel. Back in his room. Slick bastard must have followed me. But why?

I forced myself to sit up this time, sucking in hot air with every movement. I hugged my chest when I was finally in a half-sitting position. There were clean bandages there in place of my shirt. How long had I been out? I turned my head just enough to see the sliding glass door that lead to the balcony. It was dark out again. So it had at least been twelve hours, but without any way to know what day it was, I couldn't be sure. I searched the rest of my body for my phone. It was still in my pocket, not the one I remembered leaving it in, but at least it was still there. I clicked the power button, praying to Chuck that it hadn't been broken in the fight. With a soft buuuuuuzong it came to life, starting up like normal. I breathed a small sigh of relief.

I had thirteen missed calls from Dean, ten from Sam, and a handful of texts from Charlie. Fuck. I forgot I just left her with a note. She had probably gone back to the bunker and freaked out when I wasn't there. And the boys probably freaked out when I didn't come back with her. I took a deep breath and called Sam.

"Are you ok? Where are you? Did you die again? Do you have any idea how worried we were?" He didn't even say hello first.

"I'm ok Sam, I've had worse. I'm in Sioux City still." I let out another sigh, "No, I probably should have but I didn't. I can only guess how worried you were."

"You've been gone for three days, Alex." Oh right, I'd turned my phone on to check what day it was and got distracted by the missed calls.

"Only three? I've been gone for longer than that before." I tried the joke.

"That doesn't mean we're not worried about you." It didn't land, "Where are you exactly? We'll come get you."

"Not needed Sam. I'm fine. In good hands. Really." I tried to make it sound truthful, but in reality, I wasn't so sure. My body burned with every breath and just talking was getting hard to do. And I didn't know if I was in good hands or not, after our last conversation I was amazed he hadn't left me for dead. Not that it would've stayed that way for long. But maybe he'd known that. If he was partnering up with a demon prince maybe he knew about my deal with Crowley.

"I don't think you get it. Dean's got bags packed. We're coming to get you." Sam hung up.

I groaned, he'd had enough time to trace the signal, and probably knew exactly where I was. Not that that was a bad thing. The bouge hotel room I could explain away, the Brit it belonged to wouldn't be as easy. I threw an arm over my eyes, the lights in the room suddenly too bright. The tears were rolling down my cheeks before I could stop them. Just how scared had I been? Why was I so shaken up? I had fought werewolves by myself before. Why had this time been different?

Because that's how Dad died. Protecting you from a pack. You watched him die that way.

Right. My dad had died to a pack of werewolves the year after he'd handed me off to John. I'd gone to see him, get away from the boys for a few days, and relax. The remainder of a pack we'd just killed followed me and murdered him in front of me. How close had I been to meeting him just now? I knew I had a few chances left, but it would have been nice to see him, even for just a minute, even if it was just Billy trying to lead me away again.

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