Chapter 15

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We eventually found a motel in Grand Junction, Colorado. I supervised Lucifer and Elly while Ketch went inside to secure us all a room. It wasn't long before he came back and I was helping Elly into the room.

It was a cute little room. Standard two beds with off-white sheets and several too many pillows. I shouldered my duffle off onto one of these before helping Elly into the bathroom located at the back of the small room. A white barn door slid open to reveal a surprisingly clean bathroom with a walk-in shower and marble-topped sink.

"Leave it to him to still find as nice of a motel as he could," I mumbled mostly to myself as I let Elly lean against the sink.

"Would it kill him to sleep in something even a little dingy?" Elly smiled at her joke.

I laughed a little as I slid the door closed and made sure it was locked. "Let's get you cleaned up." I turned back to her and helped her shrug out of Dean's now dirty jacket. "I'll help you as much as you want me to," I said as she leaned against me for support.

"I'm fine." She said, trying to push away from me but only falling back against the sink.

"I...please. I feel..." I hung my head, "I'm so sorry, Elly..."

It surprised me when her arms wrapped around my neck and she pulled me into a hug. "It's ok. I know you didn't mean it." She leaned back and met my eyes with hers, "If you think this will help you feel better, then ok. But no oggling me!"

I laughed. It felt good that she was in this mood. Making jokes rather than curdled up into a ball, unresponsive.

I carefully helped her lean against the sink once more before kneeling to help take her shoes off. Next came her jeans. I had to stop myself from asking too many questions as dark bruises revealed themselves on her hips and thighs.

"They did hurt you..." A deep pang of guilt hit me, soon replaced by a small flame of anger, "That stupid angel promised me you wouldn't be hurt..."

"I'm fine." Elly smacked my shoulder lightly, "Honest. They didn't do anything to me."

I sighed. Was this denial? Was she trying to be strong for me? There was no need for it. But maybe I had made her feel like she had to lie to me to protect me. God, I hoped that wasn't true. I wanted her to be truthful with me about her experience in Hell, not lock it up like Dean and Sam had so many times. It was hard enough to deal with their moody asses.

I continued to help her out of her clothes. Carefully removing the now destroyed shirt I'd lent her and exposing the new scar that would forever adorn her skin. It was like some ugly star that broke up the perfect porcelain of her body.

"I'm so..sorry," I whispered, fingers gingerly touching the blemish. Elly flinched away from my touch and I retreated.

I turned my back to her as she finished undressing and turned on the shower for her, rinsing my hands under the water. Dried blood turned the water rust-colored as it washed from my hands. Her blood. Not a monsters or some enemies, hers.

I gritted my teeth and turned back to her. I extended a hand, avoiding taking in her blood-covered torso as much as I could as I helped her under the water. As the warm water washed the blood off her skin it revealed more and more bruises. Her back, shoulders, and chest were covered in the small purpler red spots.

"Are you sure they didn't hurt you?" I asked again, reaching out to stabilize her as she stumbled a little.

"Alex," Her voice was stern as her eyes met mine again, "I promise I'm fine. No demon touched me."

"Well, someone did," I grumbled, examining a pair of scratches laid down her back as she turned away from me. "What happened?" Elly shook her head, turning off the water once all the blood was gone.

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