Chapter 2

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The girls and i hung out all night, they left about an hour ago. Meanwhile i'm waiting for Carter in our bedroom.

I just got done feeding Rain, and rocked her to sleep. I love that i got a good sleeping baby.

"Is that attitude gone". Carter says while walking into our bedroom. And here i was thinking we could be civil, but he wants to be petty.

"It was". It was until he started to be petty, i mean i was trying to have an adult conversation.

"Was". He questions as he takes off his shirt.

"Yes. Was". I try to keep my composure as i stare at his. shirtless body. I swear he does this on purpose. He knows that i'm so quick to fold on him.

Wether it's for sex or with any of his demands.

When i first meet Carter i'd do anything he told me, i used to be so insecure.

Dakota would always tell me how beautiful i was, and how i had no reason to be insecure. She really was my rock through school because i was so shy. Then i met Kind and she brought the crazy out of me, or disrespectful is what Carter likes to say.

I don't think she made me be disrespectful, i think she just taught me how to stick up for myself. Because sometimes when i'm with Carter i don't.

And i know most would think that's not how a relationship should work, but our relationship isn't normal. Our relationship is based off of dominance, but even so sticking up for myself is important.

"Isabel". He says while walking up to our bed which im sitting on.

"Carter". I say nervously looking into his eyes, as he hoovers over me.

"I'm not playing games Isabel, so you can stop with the fucking sarcasm. I said i wanted the attitude gone and it's still here. Why".

"I don't have an attitude, your the one who came in being petty". Carter doesn't like to admit he was wrong but he is.

We need to be adults, we have a kid now.

"Maybe, but do you didn't answer my question. What's been up with your attitude". I just have to remember my talk with Dakota & Kind today.

Remember their advice, they are like my fairy-god mothers.

"You don't understand, having a baby isn't easy. Your a guy and your body didn't have to change. Im not depressed or nothing, but my hormones are all over the place, and i need you to understand that. When i get snappy i don't need you to snap back. I need you to just say okay and not fight with me".

After having "Rain" i thought my body was never gonna be normal again, and it won't. But my body is somewhat back to normal, i have a few stretch marks on my stomach but i'm happy with my body.

I just said it to make him understand what i went through.

"I get your body changed but it's still beautiful. And i also get that your hormones are still trying to figure things out. But what we aren't gonna do is use that as an excuse. When you get mad or upset you can't just blame it on the hormones, cause lemme break it to you. You just have an attitude sometimes". Is he joking. He doesn't know what's going through my mind.

"It's not an excuse Carter". I defend.

"I'm not saying it always is, but like i said just because your hormones are going through it, doesn't give you a pass to be disrespectful".

"This conversation clearly isn't going anywhere". I huff and push Carter off of me. Or i try to.

I'm so small and Carter has the height of a basketball player, i couldn't push him off of me even if i didn't want to.

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