Chapter 4

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For one of the first times in a long time, i saw the love of my live cry in front of me. And they were not happy tears.

And i won't let it happen again.

Kimberly crossed the line with her comment, and i won't continue to let her slide. I've tried to be respectful given she is my brothers wife, but Isabel is right.

Enough is enough.

It's becoming a problem, and seeing my love cry hurt me. I will protect Isabel at all costs, even if it means cutting ties with Caden. I would hate to see it, but Isabel and her peace comes first.

So Caden better check is fucking wife, or i will. It will be his choice, and i hope he picks the right one.

It's been a week since the incident and today is the day i'm going to see Caden. He is hanging out with our dad today, so i decide to go and talk to him there at his house.

Once i get there i knock on the door waiting for someone to answer.

It's the maid Kendra who answers the phone.

"Hello Mr.King, your father and brother are outside on the patio enjoying some drinks. Would you like me to bring you one". She asks as i walk inside.

"Scotch please, im gonna need it". She smirks and gets me a drink while i go outside.

My parents are divorced and that was hard. They once loved each other and i thought it was gonna last forever. I remember wanted a love just like theirs, and i found it.

I found it with Isabel.

But the difference is i'm gonna be with her forever, unlike my parents.

But in the end getting divorced was good for them, they did nothing but fight. And they both agreed on a divorce but my mom pushed it more, overall it just made things more peaceful.

When my parents first met, they were in love, but once he changed my mom had enough. And the man she once loved wasn't there anymore.

They are always gonna love each other, but it's better from a distance, as my mother likes to put it.

My dad seems happier in the single life, he's a player and he doesn't seem to mind it. But my mom has a new boyfriend and has for a while, so they are better apart.

Don't get me wrong its awkward when we have family gatherings, but we manage.

The one thing i don't like about my dad is he is just like Caden. My dad can be a real dick, and parts of why my mom divorced him, she couldn't handle his unfairness and ignorance sometimes.

When they divorced i got a lot closer with mom, while Caden got a lot closer to dad. Which is why we are so different. We both love both our parents equally, but you can tell we kinda choose sides.

Anyways i reach outside and find them sitting outside, chilling.

"Well, well, well. Look who had arrived, my son who no longer has time for me came to visit". Not to mention my dad is so dramatic.

"Don't be dramatic" . My dad gets up and comes hug me.

"What up pops". I hug him back. Maybe a dick, but i do love him.

"How you doing son". We stop hugging a sit down.

"Been good, you".

"You know enjoying being retired, how's my granddaughter and that beautiful fiancé of yours". My dad really does like Isabel, thinks of her as his own which i appreciate.

"They are both good, you should come by the house for dinner this week. Isabel would like that". She would.

"Will do. So are you two not gonna acknowledge each other". My dad asks referring to Caden sitting right next to me.

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