Chapter 5

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Can't believe that this is even a conversation right now.

I never would have guessed, this is the last thing we need in our relationship right now.

Ugh, gosh i'm gonna be sick.

"I asked you a question Isabel. And as mad as i am right now, i would prefer the truth". I snap out of my thoughts and prepare myself to answer him.

"Promise to let me speak and actually listen". I need him to listen to me, and not get mad and go rouge.

"Isabel, speak". He could care less about being rational, but the time has come.

"Right before we met, i overheard my dad and mom in his office talking. They were talking about an arranged marriage for me and you. I didn't know why but when i found out we were already together. We were going onto a year together and i felt like it was gonna be forever. So marrying you wasn't gonna be the worst thing ever, so i just thought it was no point of mentioning it. But to be fair, i thought you would've already knew way before me. So i thought you just decided to never mention it ether". He doesn't even look mad, more disappointed.

"Are you fucking serious". Take that back, he is mad.

Pissed actually.

"My brother was right, you knew and you stayed. Why? For my money? My family name? To please your dad? What was it huh?" Is he serious.

"Why wouldn't i stay? I knew all of this after we've already been together for almost a year. Just because you had more money didn't matter. I loved you for you, not your money, not your name. Please tell me your not actually thinking i'm only with you for money". The look in his eye hurts.

He doesn't believe a word im saying and that hurts. He doesn't trust me. I get why he is mad, he is just now finding out and it must be shocking.

But the way he is going about this is wrong.

"Honestly Isabel, i don't know". Doesn't know?

"You don't know!? We've been together for years Carter, why are you even questioning my loyalty right now. We have a kid and are engaged, are you kidding me? I swear i had no idea why my dad wanted me to marry you. But if it had to do with money, i swear i didn't care. You could be broke and i would still love you". 

"Guess we'll never know if that's true, will we". Ouch.

He suddenly grabs his keys off the table and walks out the front door. I follow him.

"What are you doing". I yell trying to get him to stop.

"I need some space". He stops and turns around.

"So that's it? Your just gonna go like we aren't having an important conversation". Where is the communication.

We are gonna be married, but by this rate we won't be if every time we argue he is just gonna leave.

"You know what Isabel, it really doesn't matter if i had money or not. The bigger issue is that you knew. Like you said we've been together for YEARS. Hell you had my BABY. And not ONCE. Not ONCE, did you ever think to tell me this. You think just cause we were together before you knew, means you don't have to tell me. That is our trust Isabel, and you just ruined it". Before i could even get a word in, he gets in his car and leaves.

He loves doing that. He loves leaving when he is upset, that's probably the only thing i don't like about him.

But just like him i grab my keys from inside and rush to my parents house. This is all my dads fault, because he made this stupid arrangement.

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