Chapter 8

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It's been a few weeks since me and Carter made up, and surprisingly we have been on very good terms.

No arguing or any fights.

Which honestly has me worried, because i feel like something bad is bound to happen. I haven't been getting in trouble with Carter "breaking any of his rules".


Oh how could i forget!

Kind has her beautiful baby girl and she named her "Essence". She is so sweet and beautiful, ugh. I could not be more happier for Kind and Saint.

And it's so fun to watch Kind be a mom, Essence is definitely giving her a run for her money.

Let's not forget Saint. He absolutely loves being a dad, and it suits him so much. Being a dad makes him so soft and i love it.

When i had Rain the way Carters eyes softened, melted my heart. I saw a soft side of him that i'd never seen before.

So ladies if your man is to manly, just have a baby.

Cause a baby will soften their asses, so fast. So gone ahead.

Now we're just waiting on Dakota to have her little bundle of joy. She's 7 months so she has roughly about 2 more months to go. But babies are unpredictable and come whenever they want.

So her baby girl could come sooner, or later. We just don't know.

But right now i'm at my office working on a new makeup palette. As fall is approaching i wanna bring some new fall colors into my makeup line.

Even though i have a whole team under me, i like to come up with new makeup designs myself, but i always appreciate their ideas anyway.

Fall is my favorite season so i want it so be perfect, or at least good. My abuela used to teach me that striving for perfection isn't needed in order to be successful and happy. (grandma)

And i try to remember that when i'm feeling stressed about a new product design. She does when i was 14, and i miss her everyday.

Other than Dakota, she was really my best friend. The only ever person that truly knew me inside and out.

I mean you guys see the relationship with my parents.

They love me yeah, but our relationship is rocky and could definitely be way better. I always hope for the better with them, but they let the money and power get to their heads sometimes.

But i can't change them, so might as well learn to live with them.

Anyways enough of the sappy stuff, i decide i'm tired of thinking of ideas and need a break, and decide to get some food.

There's this place called "The Smith" and there food is amazing. So i call Carter to see if he wants to come with me. You know have a little lunch date.

Phone Conversation Starting
"Yes baby". Carter with an irritating tone answering my phone call.

"Hi. I was gonna go to the smith to get some food, and wanted to know if you wanted to come with me. We can have a little lunch date". I say hoping for a yes in return.

"I would but i have things to do". That's disappointing because he never says no. Quite weird actually.

"So your saying no". I just had to clarify because he never says no to lunch. It's like our thing.

"Yes Isabel i'm saying no. Im busy today and can't. Is that a problem for you". He says with an attitude.

What is wrong with him today?

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