Chapter 12

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I wake up with a pounding headache and a bright light above me, which by the way doesn't help.

"Damnit my head hurts". I whisper to myself and flutter my eyes open and see myself in a hospital bed.

Shit what happened?

Then it hits me, the fucking dinner. Carters mom was right, it was a disaster. I still don't know what to believe with what Ezra said, but at the same time i never seen Carter look so guilty.

And then they get into a fist fight and i'm the one who gets knocked to the ground, because Carters dad or brother wanna just sit and watch.

It was obvious that the whole dinner was a plan, but it happened at the expense of my happiness and safety.

Im just so distraught and don't know what to do.

Suddenly, Carter walks in and if i'm honest im not to excited to see him.

"Baby, i'm so sorry you got in the middle of the fight and i'm glad you're okay". He rushes over to me acting like nothing is wrong. He tries to touch me but i shutter away.

I don't want him to touch me right now, hell i don't even wanna talk to him right now.

"Look Isabel what Ezra said, you don't know the full story and he......." I interrupt him because at the moment i'm not to interested in hearing him speak.

It's my turn.

"How old is the kid".

"What". He asks a bit confused like he misunderstood my very straightforward question.

"How old is the kid". I ask again & a little slower for him.

"11". He says looking down and my eyes pop open.

Fucking 11 years old?! That means he had a kid when he was 15 years old and that's when we started dating.

"Fucking 11? You had her when you were 15, when we started to date". This is insane.

"Isabel if you would let me tell the full story, you'd understand". Is he serious?

"WHATS TO FUCKING UNDERSTAND". I yell starting to get frustrated, like he needs to stop trying to gaslight me.

"Just let me tell you, please". I don't wanna even hear what he has to say. But at the same time i need to know the full story.

It's gonna kill me if i don't find out the truth.

So i nod my head, referring him to tell me the story and he does.

"I'll give you the short version. Before i started to date you i was messing with this girl name Aurelia. She was one of my first girlfriend. The only one i took serious before you. So we started dating and i introduced her to my family. Ezra actually used to live with us because his parents died in a car crash, but even so we never got along. For some reason he always despised me and i never knew why. Anyways, after i introduced Aurelia she started to come over to my house a lot. And i started to notice her & Ezra get closer, but i 100% trusted her and she gave me no reason not to, that was until i caught her and Ezra in my bed. In my fucking bed having sex. I broke up with her that night and i never looked back". Carter pauses while he finishes the story. Gosh i don't like where this story is going.

But atleast i know why Carter & Ezra don't get along, but i don't see how a baby plays into this.

"Then Ezra started to fucking date her, and i've never felt so betrayed in my life because i still had to see her in my fucking house. A week after we broke up she tells me she's pregnant. I didn't care because i had no thought it would be mine, hell she was screwing my cousin. Plus i was 15, and not ready for a baby. Not to mention my parents were gonna fucking kill me. And not only did Aurelia tell me she was pregnant she told Ezra & of course he couldn't keep his mouth shut and told my parents. My parents wanted her to abort but she didn't want that, so she kept that baby. After it was born we took a dna test, and i hoped and prayed it wasn't mine because i wanted no part of Aurelia". Carter pauses again to take a breath.

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