Chapter 15

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After Isabel cries in my arms she eventually falls asleep.

I hate that i caused this pain in her. Im the reason she's upset and crying, and i know what she wants me to do.

But i just don't know if i can do that, or if i completely agree.

When i was 15 i made that decision along with my parents. And i agreed back then, and i still do. It would be a very bad decision to uproot a child when they are doing fine.

Isabel doesn't get it, and she's so upset that she isn't thinking clear about it.

I wanna fix things with Isabel, and get our relationship back on track. But if she isn't willing to move past this without me contacting the child, than i don't know if it can be fixed.

"Morning" A quiet voice gets me out of my thoughts as i'm sitting in the kitchen gazing out of the window.

It's Isabel.

"Morning". It's still awkward, and it shouldn't be.

I don't like it.

"Are we gonna get Rain back today". She says opening up the fridge, taking out the apple juice.

"We can if you want too, my mom just thought it would be a good idea to keep her for a few more days so we can figure things out". Which actually isn't a terrible idea considering everything that's going on.

"I don't care about nothing your mom has to think about or say. And i want my child back, so you can go get her. I don't wanna see your mother". Isabel harshly says.

I know she's mad, but she being disrespectful.

"Look Isabel, i know you're not happy with my mom and i understand why. But you cannot be disrespectful about her. She's still my mother so stop the rudeness".

She whips her head towards me in shock. I don't know what could be so shocking about what i said.

"You're taking her side? Are you for real". Is she for real?

"Isabel there aren't any sides. She's my mother and you're disrespecting her. I know you're mad at her and that's fine, but you can be mad without being rude".

"You know what, just go get my daughter. Now". She demands and walks right away, not even bothering to put the apple juice back in the fridge.

Gosh. Women.

As i am already dressed, i just go get my keys and drives to my moms. Personally i think Rain staying with my mom for a few more days is a good idea, but Isabel wants her back, so as her mother it's her choice.

Once i enter my mom's pin to the gate i notice her getting into her car. Looks like i came just in time.

I honk my horn to get her to notice me.

She comes up to my window.

"I was just leaving to the store, what's up". My mom says wanting to know what i'm doing here.

"Isabel wants Rain back". My mom is shocked, and i can tell she's about to get mad.

"For what? Thought we agreed i'd keep her for a few days so you two can work things out".

"It's her daughter mom, she can take her back whenever she wants. And although i completely agree you should keep her until we work things out, i can't go against Isabel when it comes to our daughter". Can't believe my mom even said for what?

Like it's our daughter not yours.

"She's just being like this because she's mad at me. She's trying to get back at me, by taking my only grandchild away from me". I just chuckle at my mother, because that's ridiculous.

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