Chapter 14

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It's morning time, and the doctor said i'm allowed to go home today. I still have a bit of a headache, but she said it will go away. She also gave me some meds to help, so overall i'll be okay.

As i'm checking the room to make sure i got all my things, Carter stands within my door.

"What are you doing here". I told him i'll talk when i'm ready. He should respect my space.

"I'm here to take you home". I was gonna call my parents to take me home, for the very reason of not wanting to see Carter.

"No thank you, i'll call my parents". I take my bag and begin walking out the door.

Or atleast trying to, because Carter is blocking me.

"Carter, move". He steady blocks my way.

"Your mad, i know. But you're my fiancee, and we're driving back home together whether you like it or not". He demands as he continues to block my way through.

I don't have the energy to argue.

"Whatever". Once i give in, he moves and leads us out the hospital and to his car.

The car ride is silent and awkward. I hate it. I hate that this is what we've come too.

This isn't right.

It isn't us.

I sigh, looking out the window, watching the pouring rain come down.

"You okay". Carter says, trying to butter me up.

"Don't act like you care, because you sure didn't care when you were lying to me for over 10 years". I was back, to let him know i'm still angry.

To make him feel worse, because he should.

I hear Carter chuckle and suddenly he pulls over to the side of the road.

"Look, i don't expect you to get it Isabel. You didn't have to go through what i did. I was 15 and couldn't raise a baby. And it's not the babies fault, i know. Isabel i've never felt worse than i do right now. Knowing that i hurt you. I lied to you, and it's my fault. I should've told you and i'm sorry that i didn't. Because you're one of the most caring & beautiful souls i've ever met. And i know you would've accepted me no matter my past. I let you down and all i can do is say i'm sorry. Im really fucking sorry Isabel". Tears stream down my face, after hearing Carter.

I really just wanna be mad at Carter and not speak to him. But if i wanna have any chance of fixing this, fixing us.

I have to be an adult, because this doesn't only affect me.

It affects our daughter, and i can't have that.

"Why didn't you tell me, i would've supported you and love that kid with you. We aren't supposed to lie to each other, and you did. A big lie, for 10 years. So why lie, why". All i ever wanted was trust, because lying gets you no where.

And it won't get us anywhere ether.

"I didn't tell you because i wanted nothing to do with Aurelia, which included the baby. And they both were out of my life so i didn't see a point in mentioning it because it wasn't apart of me anymore. But, above all else you were right. You deserved to know, and i should've told you". A part of me is still worry, about this whole thing.

But another part of me,  believes that he really is sorry.

Believes that he really does wanna make it right.

But to make it right, he can only to one thing. And that is to let the truth be known, because it's the only right option.

"We're supposed to be moving forward and instead we're moving backwards. I wanna marry you Carter, only you. I wanna raise our family together". I smile at him and pause my thoughts.

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