Chapter 11

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"Under no circumstance, you will not be alone or go anywhere alone without me while they are in our house. Understood". I look at Carter like he is crazy as we stand before the door, waiting to open it.

He is lowkey scaring me, like why would he say that?

"Carter your scaring me".

"I'm not trying to scare you Isabel, i'm being serious. I don't trust any of them around you alone, and because of that i'm taking caution. So please just listen to me tonight. This isn't the night for games. Please Isabel". Carter is practically begging me to obey his rule tonight.

It's making me actually worried.

But what i do know, is i don't feel safe in my on house.

Sad i know, but i know Carter won't let anything happen to me. So for tonight I'll actually just stick with Carter tonight.

No one better to protect me than my future hubby.

"Okay". I give in and agree with his rules.

Carter takes a deep breath and opens the door, revealing Carters dad, his brother Caden, Cadens wife Kimberly & his cousin Ezra.

For some odd reason they are all smirking, and Carter pulls me closer to him. Tighting his grip.

I can just tell this isn't gonna be fun.

Not at all.

"Hello, son & hello to you too Isabel. Good to see you again". Carters dad says, getting an eye roll from Carter.

It's funny cause his dad is being so fake, acting like nothing happened.

As Carters dad, Caden & Kimberly make their ridiculous entrances and says their fake hellos, i can just feel someone staring at me.

It's Ezra.

Now, i have never met Ezra and im glad i never had to before today. As i look over to him he smirks, while piercing his chocolate brown eyes into me.

Staring into my soul.

And it's making me very uncomfortable and a little uneasy.

I just say hello back and nothing more. None of them even deserves a full conversation with me to be honest.

But i know eventually I'll have to speak sometime tonight, but it will be whenever i have something to say.

Plus im not trying to cause a fuss tonight.

"Well you gone let us in, or are we having dinner out here on the lawn". Kimberly says and i roll my eyes.

So rude.

Me and Carter move out the way to and allow them in.

Ugh i hate having them in my house, our house. They just bring a bad vibe which im not with.

"Isabel, you really should redecorate. Your house looks a bit poor on the inside, it really should match the outside". Kimberly snarls and my blood starts to boil.

I swear she wants to see me miserable, never can just be a nice girl. Always has to be so bitchy.

"And you really should get a job, rather than being a plastic housewife. But not all wishes come true, do they". I hear Carter chuckle under his breath, while Kimberly & Caden get defensive and upset.

"Watch yourself with my wife Isabel, or ill....." Caden begins to threaten but is quickly stopped by Carter.

"Or you'll what, huh? You're in my house Caden, so don't threaten my fiancé. And how about you tell your dearest wife to keep her smart ass remarks to herself or there will be a problem". That was so sexy, love when Carter defends me.

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