Chapter 7

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"Gonna take a shower". Is Carters response as i just apologized. He just walks away into our bathroom and i hear the shower turn on.

Is he actually serious.

I just admitted right to his face that i'm sorry and he just walks away. No apology back or anything. Carter is acting like a baby.

I mean i know he is hurt but i said i'm sorry, and i genuinely meant it.

Carter has every right to be mad and hurt, but what else am i supposed to do. He won't talk about it and obviously me saying sorry isn't good enough for him, as he said.

But this is ridiculous, i won't go on like this. This is childish and we are adults. He can ether act like one, or this isn't gonna work.

Because i don't wanna be like this.

Anyways i'm just so irritated so i go outside to the balcony attached to our room. Once i go out there i just sit down and enjoy the breeze, while my thoughts take over.

Me and Carter have never fought like this. I mean sure we argue like regular couples, but we always solve them day of.

This is like a whole new level for us. Like i just sat there and apologized, a real ass apology and he just leaves.

At this point i really want a drink. But i'm breast feeding.

Lord what i would do for a drink. As i sit outside, i notice how comfortable the outside is.

The breeze, the sound of the wind, and the comfort of this couch. I wouldn't mind sleeping out here.

Maybe i should. It's peaceful and sounds kind of therapeutic.

Ugh what is wrong with me?!

I have a baby inside, of course im not sleeping out here. Anything could happen. Ugh, im just so out of sorts. This argument with Carter is messing with me.

Making me feel all sad, and i don't like it.

But i can't do much more. I apologized and that's all i can do. I'm not gonna bow down to him, well not like i usually do. Anyways.

As my thoughts continue i didn't even notice Carter standing at the door, that i left open.

He's just standing standing there staring at me.

"Did you have something to say or are you just gonna stand there gawking". I say with sass as he gives me those eyes leaning against the door with his arms crossed.

"Are you gonna come in and sleep or keep being a smart ass". Really?

I just chuckle and ignore him. Not worth another argument to add.

"So were gonna play the hard way tonight huh". I still ignore him. I mustn't give in.

"Fine". He sits down next to me, and brings my face to match his.

We just stare in each others eyes for a moment, then he lets go and stresses.

"Fuck, Isabel". He says and rubs his forehead.

If anything i should be the one stressing, not him. He's the one who doesn't wanna talk about it like me. He just wants to fuck and forget.

"I said i was sorry Carter. There's nothing else i can do, or anything else i'm going to do. I know where i messed up, and i admitted that and apologized. But i'm not gonna kiss your ass anymore about this situation. I womaned up and you didn't. You sat there and fucked me, and left. Who does that? I'm not your one nightstand, im your fiancé. Or at least i still hope i am. Cause despite what you may think, i still wanna marry. I still wanna raise our daughter together and happy, but i won't. Not like this. She doesn't deserve that and neither do i. How do you think it makes me feel when you question my loyalty? Talking about you don't believe i would marry you if you didn't have money? Who says that? And you wanna know the worst part is, you haven't once apologized. Yes i fucked up and i know that, but when are you gonna be a man and say sorry? Man up and talk about us? About where we go from here. Because if you aren't gonna do that, then this isn't gonna work. I want a man. Not a boy. And as you love to tell me. Let me know when your done being brat, cause i'm not dealing with it. I'm sleeping in the guest room". I stand my ground and say.

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