Chapter 3

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After me and Carter made up last night, this morning he suggested we have a little date night.

And if i'm being honest, i think it's just what we needed. I think being newly engaged and being new parents is just stressing us.

And taking breaks from everyone and having a night to ourselves is good for the soul.

So Carters mom has agreed to watch Rain while we go out. But she's happy to do so.

"Ugh i'm gonna miss her". I say while me and Carter drive to his moms house.

"It's one night, she'll be alright and so will you". He winks at me and i just shrug him off. It's my first time being without her for a whole night, so i'm a bit nervous.

But he is right, i'll be okay.

"Looks like your brother is here". I say and not very excited.

"Isabel watch it". I just roll my eyes, because screw that.

"I seen that Isabel, we have been over this a thousand times". And he's right we have been over it, but it hasn't changed anything.

If y'all are confused, let me catch you up.

Carters brother Caden has never liked me, i don't know why really. He claims it's because he doesn't think i really like Carter, and is just using him.

I've been with Carter since highschool, and my parents were never the richest like Carters family, but we lived very comfortably.

Not to mention Caden is married to no other than Kimberly King. Believe it or not Kimberly used to bully me in highschool, and she's 3 years older than me.

When i was a freshman, she was a senior. It's very odd that she would be bullying a freshman and very weak of her. I was just a freshman,young and scared, while she was a senior, old and experienced.

Her and Caden started dating their senior year and he knew she would pick on us freshman, but he didn't care. They made my freshman year hell, and no matter what Dakota always stuck up for me. But let's be honest Dakota was a freshman too, and didn't scare them.

Moral of the story after they found out we were together, they hated it. Everytime i see them, they do nothing but give me dirty looks and hate.

Carter knows all of this because i told him, and we spoke with his brother and sister in-law. They say it's all peace but it's not.

And every time i bring it up to Carter, he tells me i'm overreacting. In reality he just needs to check his brother and his jealous ass wife.


"You know i don't like your brother, and hopefully he didn't bring his fucking wife". I say in frustration, because they have done nothing but cost me stress.

"Okay that's enough with the cursing". I don't really curse a lot, only when i'm upset like right now. And he needs to understand i have every right to be upset.

"Carter, you know exactly why i don't like them, and you don't seem to care". Carter loves me, but he has always been on his brothers side. I mean yea it's his family, but i'm his soon to be wife.

And i don't wanna be dealing with this forever, at some point it needs to stop. It needs to be really addressed, and Carters brother and sister-in-law need to get over it.

"Baby i do care, but we've been over this. I don't know how many times i have to tell you to get over it". Carter says in his brother's defense while parking the car infront of his moms house.

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