Cater To You

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"Bae" I yelled waking up my girlfriend from her 2 hour nap.

"Yes" She asked opening her eyes looking up at me.

"I need you to get up so I can give you a bath, massage, lunch, and vitamins before I go to the studio" I told her adjusting her bonnet.

"Can I stay up here today" She asked sitting up stretching.

"No Mama, we got to many stairs" I said pulling the cover off of her. "Come on" I told her grabbing her hand. She scooted to the edge of the bed before slowly standing up.

"What if I need something from up here"She asked rubbing her belly as we walked to the bathroom.

"I'll call Denise" I told her while helping her take her pajamas off. Denise is her only niece, she's 13 and she loves being with Simone.

"Fine" She sighed sitting in the bath water. She took a shower last night, so she relaxing right now. "Oooh" She moaned sinking into the water.

"It feel good" I asked sitting on the toilet lid.

"Yes" She sighed closing her eyes.

"Good" I said moving closer grabbing her foot. "What do you want for breakfast" I asked massaging her foot.

"Eggs and sausage sandwich" She said opening her eyes looking at me.

"Okay" I mumbled grabbing her other foot.

"Oh my gosh, he's having a field day in there" She whined rubbing her belly.

"You almost done baby, one more month" I told her putting her foot back. 10 minutes later I helped her out and dried her off, before putting oil and new pajamas on her. "Come on" I told her grabbing her hand. We walked downstairs and she went to the couch while I cook her breakfast.

"Can I have some water please" She yelled from the livingroom.

"Okay" I yelled back before getting her a glass of ice water. "Here you go baby" I said giving her the glass.

"Thank you" She said before taking a sip.

"You welcome" I said turning and walking back to the kitchen calling Denise. "Wassup niece" I said when her face popped up on the screen.

"Hey uncle" She said smiling.

"Wanna come over with yo auntie while I go to the studio" I asked while cooking.

"Yes" She said excitedly.

"Alright, pack a bag and be ready in 15 minutes, I just sent a driver" I told her while getting Simone's vitamins together.

"Okay" She said before I heard her mama asked who she on the phone with.

"Uncle Bry, I need to babysit TT" She said making me chuckle.

"You coming to get her" Her mama, Salona asked looking at the phone.

"I sent a driver and she supposed to be packing, you slowing her down" I told her putting Simone's sandwich on a plate. "It's our week anyway ugly" I said putting some fruit on the plate.

"She is packing asshole" She said hanging up.

"Bald head ass" I mumbled pouring Simone a glass of orange juice. "Bae, do you want yo sandwich cut" I asked while putting the juice back.

"Please" She yelled back before groaning, that boy gonna be a problem. I cut the sandwich and took it to her.

"Denise will be here in about 10 minutes , I won't leave till she get here, after you eat I'll lift yo belly and bring yo stuff down" I told her while watching her eat, I gotta watch her or she won't eat.

10 Minutes Later

"How that feel" I asked standing behind lifting her belly.

"So good" She said taking a deep breath.

"I'm home" Denise said walking into the living room.

"Hey baby" Simone said before taking another breath while laying her head back. I held her belly a little longer before going to get everything she'll need and getting her comfortable.

"I'll see y'all later, I love y'all" I told them while kissing them on the head.

"We love you too" They both said while watching tv

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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