Chapter 8

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Guiding Light's POV:

I followed the player into the lobby, watching her ring the bell at least if I could count, let's say around 40 times, waiting for service, instead of actually going behind the desk and grabbing the keys... I was watching as glitch had his hand over the bell, keeping her from ringing it and then she yelled "AM I GOING TO GET SOME SERVICE HERE OR NOT?!" I was in my little light form, so I started shining near the bell as she watched me glow, she asked Glitch again "so, am I going to get service here or not? or do I have to speak to your manager?" glitch tried to say "grab the key and get out, okay?" then the karen interrupted him and screamed "I WANT TO TALK TO YOUR MANAGER NOW!!!" I got tired of her screaming and said "glitch. I'll just open the door" and I grabbed the key then unlocked it and opened it, pushing the karen out of the lobby.... 

I could see the karen's face grow red out of pure anger... then I started following her again... we got to dor 10 and tush came by and the karen stopped him and said "WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING?! YOU ARE ACTING SO IMMATURE FOR YOUR AGE!!!" rush looked at me, confused and whispered "can I kill her now" I honestly wanted to see her reaction to the other entities and so I whispered back to him "nah, not yet... I really wanna see what she thinks of the other entities hehe..." he nodded and went through the room, breaking the lights and then the karen screamed again, "SO IMMATURE!" and ran out of the room as I followed her... when she got to door 35, eyes appeared on the wall and then when they got to seek's long hallway, she saw him emerge from his puddle and started chasing her and then she screamed "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! YOU ARE BEING AN IMMATURE IDIOT AND HOW DID YOU EVEN GET HIRED FOR THIS JOB?! I WANT To SPEAK WITH YOUR MANAGER, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!!!" then glitch teleported to her and said "you need to speak with the manager?"  she looked at him and screamed at the top of her lungs, "YOU ARE NOT THE MANAGER AND I WANT TO TALK TO THE MANAGER!!! DO YOU NEED ME TO SPELL IT OUT!?  I  N-E-E-D   T-O   T-A-L-K   T-O   Y-O-U-R-E    M-A-N-A-G-E-R!!!" glitch sighed and said "I know that, but I can take you to him you dumb-" he was cut off by another one of her Satan screams of complaining... "I WANT TO TALK TO YOURE MANAGER ABOUT YOUR BEHAVIOR TOO YOU IDIOT AND WHAT DID YOU EVEN THINK OF CALLING ME?! TAKE ME TO YOUR MANA-" this time she was cut off by seek saying "karen, it would be a lot better if you just shut up and followed him..." I actually agreed with him and followed the karen and glitch to halt's hallway...

when we got to hat's hallway... glitch was tired of her screaming at him and was also tired in general and said "okay.. youre here and bye Guiding light.. I'ma go chat with figure for a bit..." then halt stared at the karen and asked "what could you possibly want?" the karen started "so first off"

Figure's POV:

I hear glitch walking into the library... slightly frustrated and he looked at me an said "oh... hi... it was just a karen... doing karen things... mainly complaining... I honestly, feel bad for guiding light... she has to deal with her..." I nodded and pat him on the head, pouring us both a cup of coffee... and sitting beside him and he says "well... so um.... how was you're day? anything happen?" I shake my head and say "no... other than I heard seek crying last night... and really don't think he even went to sleep..." I lean back in my chair and glitch says "he never goes to sleep... or cries though..." I nodded and said "I'm kinda bored to be honest- what's that noise?" he looks at the doors and says "it's a player... I'm invisible so it doesn't matter... but it's a karen by the way.. have fun...

guiding light came up to me and said "I'm sorry you have to even be in her presence or around her..." I nodded and searched for her in the library and then I heard a book being brought to the front desk so I went up to her and said "what could you possibly want?" she looked at me and screamed at I'm assuming the top of her lungs, "YOU STUPID LIBRARIAN YOU BETTER GIVE ME SOME SERVICE BEFORE I MAKE YOU REGRET BEING LAZY!!!" and she slammed the desk to emphasize it... I jumped back from how loud she screamed and then my ears started bleeding... she got impatient and angry from waiting literally 5 seconds and she grabbed the globe and slammed it on my head, then I felt books being thrown at me and all I could tell was happening was she was beating me up for existing then she got closer to me and grabbed my arm then yelled "SO AM I GOING TO GET SOME SERVICE HERE NOW?!"

I couldn't really speak at the moment because I was trying not to growl but it's hard to keep that in so I growled as loud as I could, trying to scare her and then she grabbed my arm and yelled, once again "GIVE ME SERVICE!, RIGHT HERE!, RIGHT!.... NOW!!!" then she grabbed her pocketknife and stabbed my arm making me growl louder and then I managed to get up and slam the typewriter on her head, just making her angrier and she screamed "DID YOU COME FROM HELL OR SOMETHING!?" then I screamed at her "YOUR THE ONE WHO CAME FROM HELL YOU DUMB KAREN!" she gasped and threw some more books at me which in case you didn't notice, actually really hurt...... she kept yelling and complaining until glitch jjst entered the code and tossed her out of the library as guiding light followed her and glitch came to check on me... seek came out of his puddle on the ceiling and asked "are you okay?" I nodded and said "y-y-yeah I think-" and great... I thought this couldn't get any worse but, I spat blood all over the floor and seek and glitch got more worried and glitch said "should we get halt?" I shook my head and tried to get up then seek pulled something out of my chest... then I felt lightheaded and passed out... great...


A/N: next chapter is part 2 of the annoying roblox doors demon karen and yes, figure almost got murdered lol but he still alive and next chapter the dog learns to climb walls like an Ohio demon dog :P 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I am sorry this took so long to write, just not been motivated lol 

And thanks for reading :P

btw word count is 1180 lol

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