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Seek's POV:

I walked into the kitchen and Halt said "Seek. You have to drive this goofy ahh silly ahh car now. In the chase. Lol." As if that weren't confusing enough, Greed was there. And Figure was yellow? With some blue??? I was pretty confused and then Halt laughed and said "Eyes, spawn a LOT more often." He nodded and laughed as Halt said to Glitch "Your gonna put bananas everywhere. Screech. You're gonna scream differently. Guiding Light, you're gonna give them completely different death messages."

After Halt explained everyone's jobs to them, Glitch spawned the map. Then threw a bunch of banana peels on the floor and then put the Evil Key on the board.

Glitch's POV:

After spawning everything, a human walked through the elevator so I stood behind the desk, watching them grab the wrong key. I laughed silently to myself and then another human came, didn't grab the key this time, they used a lockpick and Eyes spawned, making me laugh silently as the player looked down

I spawned more bananas in the next room and then allowed Rush to come by, and Hide pushed people out of his closets quicker. We got to room 11 and Rush passed by again, they hid and continued to door 12. After 12, 13, and then 14, to 15... eventually got to 21. And rush came by for the 5th time. They almost got killed by Greed while collecting gold and then Jeff the Killer appeared and stabbed them, and then they escaped.

They eventually got to door 35 and then Seek's eyes spawned and then he came out of the floor, standing for a minute and then started to drive a d*mn car, then I thought "Does Seek even know how to drive?" Probably, he's doing a pretty good job to not. He driven through the octagon room and then I set the wall I use to border him from the end of his chase.

Guiding Light slammed the door on Seek and then he despawned the car and went to The start of the hallway to chill out. I followed the human to door 41, to 42 and 45, eventually on 46, Rush came, then they progressed to door 50...

Figure did his usual stumble around the library thing and the human ran towards the desk, only to find out they need 10 digits. I chuckled to myself and then watched them manage to get to the lock and enter the code.

They escaped and then I talked to Figure for a minute while they were buying things from Jeff's Shop. He said "Do I look weird?" I nodded and replied "Yes, kinda." He laughed with me and then I said "Well, gotta spawn more things, bananas by that, dunno why, but they keep falling on them." He nodded and waved to me as I left his library, teleporting out, to not alarm anybody.

Then another player came in. So I went to the front of the hotel and stayed behind the bell and watched them die to the key again. I went to go check on the other player who was looting and was on 2 HP and the I looked at the drawer and realized Timothy was in there and even if I did want to give SOME kind of warning, it was too late. She died.

I laughed silently and then kinda couldn't stop laughing and then Halt started laughing as well then I pat Timothy on the head lightly and said "Good job" He smiled at me and then crawled on my hand, trying to simulate a hug.

I noticed a group of 12 players came in so I teleported to the back of the desk and watched the human grab the right keys then unlock the door. I followed them to door 5, where bad rush (fast) came in and almost ran them over but failed. Then we got to door 6 and Eyes spawned. Door 7, 8, 9, we got Eyes, and then I laughed when they slipped on a banana peel.

This was actually quite entertaining and then we got to door 14, Rush came, 15, Eyes spawned, 16, painting room, 17, dark room, 18 to 21, dark room. 22 to 25, Eyes spawned, 26 to 29, rush came, Eyes appear on the wall, as usual. We got to Seek's hallway and he emerged from his puddle and started driving a car, again. Still, does he even know how to drive? Oh, well...

He actually caught them this time and he despawned his car after catching at least 4 of them. 3 of them died to Eyes, 2 to Rush. And let's hope 3 to Figure or something. So I got back to Figure's library and he ran up to the door and caught one of the humans because they tried running to the top of the library and Figure caught one in a closet then 2 minutes later, the last person escaped the library. Figure sat down and growled then I pat him on the head as I left to go stalk- I mean watch the humans- or human. El Goblino greeted them happily and started a small conversation between them and he asked the player "Who do you think could lift more, me or Bob?" The human responded "Jeff."

El Goblino sighed and asked "why do they always say Jeff?" Then the human said "but between you and him, I think a bag of bones can even lift more than you." El Goblino sighed as the human left and then I thought "hm. probably El Goblino." then next room, Jeff the killer spawned in and killed them and then said "GO TO SLEEP B*TCH!" I nodded and Glitched myself to the main room where Halt said "Thank you guys, can't believe we had 15 humans in one day. You guys can go pass out or something like that now."


A/N: Okay, yes this was based off of the um... update lol

idk I felt like it

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter

word count: 1015 :P

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