Chapter 11

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Ambush's POV:

I woke up in the morning, thinking of how to ruin everyone's life... I thought about what I did to seek... huh... should I do it again? try to ruin his relationship with figure? I know he likes him but they will probably break up after he finds out how weak his boyfriend is... and then I can finally kill an entity... I really wanna just kill seek... why not right now? I mean- he's barely even awake right now... and his boyfriend ain't there to stop me... so I wait in his hallway for him to come out... and basically wait for humans for 5 hours... when he got in the hallway, I ran towards him and threw him on the ground, attempting to murder him... eventually managed to knock him out, I threw him out of the window, hoping that would kill him if I already haven't killed him...

Glitch's POV:

I heard seek screaming loudly from his hallway so I went to check it out and I couldn't find him... that's weird... I looked in the hotel for him and even managed to get to his little room... still... no seek... then I thought to myself 'figure' what will he think?... I ignored that and went outside and then I got a text from guiding light that said "seek looks all beat up and like he committed suicide or something, he has a few cuts but mostly his right arm... yikes..." I glitched to guiding light and said "first, ambush, next, the karen, then figure, now this?, what could possibly be next...  but a better question is: what happened here?" guiding light shrugged and said "I found him like this while helping Jack water his garden... and he just kinda fell... but now he's probably gonna be twice as stupid..." I nodded and said "I have a feeling ambush did this... I heard him talking to himself last night... you just wanna leave him with figure?" she nodded and I glitched him to figure, who was worried... very... I'll just leave him to his lover now..."

I went to halt and started to talk to him for a bit then he fell asleep after a while... I went to figure, to see how he was doing.. I saw him holding seek's body and trying to find out what's wrong and then I went over to them and glitched some bandages on him... figure pat my head to show thanks and went back to fixing the shelves and putting books back and all that stuff... then figure started talking to me since he couldn't talk to seek ofc... and he said "y'know, sometimes I wake up at 3 AM to 9 AM just at random times... because I'm thinking 'oh, wait, I forgot to turn my lights off' or 'yeah I'm thirsty now haha' or maybe 'I have to make coffee or I will die'... do you ever wake up to that?" I nod and say "all the time... sometimes it's because 'oh wait- ambush forgot to take the chicken out of the oven... why do I smell fire?'..." figure looks at me and says "no, that wasn't a dream... ambush almost set the kitchen on fire..." I nodded and said "oh- so I didn't go to sleep last night... did I?" figure shrugs and said "well I didn't... but for some reason... seek's heart always beats faster near me...  I think he's scared of me..." I facepalmed and said "no. he's in love. usually I would lie to you, so you don't get in a relationship too fast... trust me, don't want that to happen hehe... but anyway, he loves you and doesn't even know it..." figure nodded and said "I just- don't know if I'm in love... and probably won't know..." then he continued "but anyway, do you want some coffee?" I nod and say "of course I do. too early to not have coffee..."

he nodded and started to brew a pot of coffee for us... then I started a conversation with a different topic "so um... when do you think seek might wake up?" he shrugged and said "when he wakes up." I guess that made sense... then halt came in and said "HELP. IT'S A PICK-ME SIMP!" we were all shocked by that... so shocked that even seek woke up and then figure said "what door?" halt quickly answered "24" and then seek said "okay, gotta go wait at 35..."

Seek's POV:

time skip: when the pick me simp arrives at seek's hallway

I was waiting in door 35... I heard her come across the room so I emerged from my puddle as she looked at me and started to run, no. not fowards. but towards me. I panicked as she got closer and on top of ma and said "you are going to kiss me either you like it or not" I screamed and ran from her as fast as possible and ran to door 50, figure, glitch, and halt stared at me while I was keeping the doors shut as she bangs on it, trying to get in and be the simp she is... then figure helps me keep the door shut and halt said "well... you open that door. we're f**ked" glitch nodded and waited for it to go silent... then all of the sudden, the door finally bursts open and I climb into figure's arms like scooby- doo and halt and glitch laugh a little bit, and then remember the simp is in here and she says "WHERE IS MY SEEKYBOOBOOBEAR?! GIVE ME MY SEEKYBOOBOOBEAR!" then figure gets mad and says "only I can call him that!" she got all mad and threw a book at him and figure whispers "not this again... please..." I get out of his arms and punch her in the face before she knocks a bookshelf on my entire body... she was aiming for figure but got me... and then blood came dripping from my mouth and I could hear her scream "NOOO SEEKYBOOBOOBEAR!!!" she went off to the 2nd hallway I chase her in... great. or at least she was making her way there...

no one's POV:

another two people, sounding very shy walked through the library doors and ran over to the fallen bookshelf and tried to lift it up... halt was trying to help them and then eventually we get the bookshelf up... still seek literally buried in books... and the other two people try to help us pick up all of the books... they looked very worried that they were so close to the entities that are trying to kill them but they wanted to be nice and help them... and then halt says "screw it. we're adopting you guys, I don't care if you are 23 or something

they looked really scared and glitch said "we're not going to hurt you right now... there is a simp among us and she is majorly simping for the monster who just got crushed, get it?"

they nod and slightly and nervously laugh before going back to picking up the books... and putting it on the right shelf and, very muffled from all the books and his lack of energy and he said "so am I the targeted one today?" figure nods and laughed and halt brings up "so uh- what did you mean by only you can call him seekybooboobear... does he really call you that, seek?" seek and figure look embarrassed and figure said "yeah.. we're really weird friends..." then halt says to the other two people "so um... what can I call you?" then look at him shyly and say "well... I'm y/n... and this is a/n...." (y/n is your name and a/n is another name)

halt looks at them and says "nice... well.. I'll see you later... we need to kill the pick me, if you'll excuse us" a/n and y/n nod and sit down in the library, not sure what to do...


A/N: yay. the second chapter I'm posting today... isn't that wonderful?

also, next chapter is part two, and seek got hurt again :'P (not a spoiler)

also. halt stopped with the weed brownies :P

and figure is living off of coffee

 I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading :P

and the word count is 1380 btw :P

seek x figure because yes and idkWhere stories live. Discover now