Chapter 9

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Halt's POV:

glitch teleported (or glitched) whatever... he glitched into my room holding figure in his arms, looking like he was half dead or something and I said "did he try to catch the karen from the elevator?" he shook his head and said "the karen knows how to fight... she um... kept throwing books at him I guess..." I looked at his waist, completely covered in blood and said "so um- how did he get shards of glass-" he cut me off, calmly saying "he's blind. fell out the window. karen pushed him. this started because she didn't get any service." I sighed and said "you go get the entities to kill her somehow or someway or something...whatever... and um... I'm gonna fix him and contemplate how exactly a human... managed to hurt an entity..." I teleported seek to me and said "I have no clue how to do this. and he's your boyfriend or something.... so you figure out how to do this..." I went over to eyes and said "just curious, how's the karen doing?..." he sighed and said "she's been complaining to Jeff for not having iced coffee.. for 15 minutes already... I don't think she's ever gonna stop... is she?" I shrugged and said "give her about 10 hours... then we can just get glitch to glitch her out of there..." I watch as seek stares at figure, thinking of what to do...  maybe I should actually go help him... before blood gets all over the floor... so I went over to go help seek bandage figure... I stopped him before he does anything and said "well... you're about to do it wrong ya know... and you're supposed to disinfect it first..."

Jeff's POV:

I was talking to el goblino while I was leaning over the counter and watching YouTube on my phone I heard someone open the door... so me and elgoblino quickly turned into our entity forms and el goblino happily greeted the human and then she came up and looked at the stuff at the counter then literally screamed "WHERE'S THE ICED COFFEE!?" guiding light floated towards me a little bit and said "good luck Jeff, it's a Karen...." I instantly got annoyed when she started going on and on about me having no iced coffee and then I said "do I look like a barista to you?!" she got angry and told el goblino "does he?!" el goblino looked at me and I mouthed 'don't tell her I make good iced coffee' hoping he wouldn't say exactly I told him not to and he said to her "nah, he just looks like someone who doesn't really appreciate Karens very much" I gave him a thumbs up before she turned around and tried to open her stupid little mouth and then glitch walked by and said "okay I'll help you with this hehe" and glitches her out, leaving me glitch and el goblino in the room... awkward silence... yay... he breaks the silence and says "annoying ya huh?" I nod and go back to not existing again... 

el goblino was just sitting there, staring at Bob... then he looked back at me and started talking about a random topic and says "do you like your entity or slightly human form better?" I think for a second and say "probably my somewhat human form... I really don't like being this big..." he nodded and said "and I really don't like being this small..." I nod and at least try to get out of my little area... kinda impossible... so, I turn into my slightly human form and crawl out... glitch was sitting in a random chair while el goblino was scrolling through YouTube shorts...

Seek's POV: 

halt was beside of me, helping me disinfect figure's wounds and bandage them up and then he says "how did a karen... even hurt an entity this big..." I shrug and say "all I know, he must be pretty embarrassed... but I doubt we'll ever see a Karen that bad again... but I mean- the Karen did push him out of a window... that must've hurt... huh?" he nodded and said "why hasn't guiding light just killed her already..." I looked at him and said "her job is to help the humans. not to kill them. and plus, she told me it's entertaining... and not gonna lie, it is. but not really, when stuff like this happens..." then we both heard eyes scream and then halt got up and said "just a moment... I swear if it's the karen again..." eyes came over to halt and said "t-the karen, she stabbed me in the arm... just for existing... or being in a room in general..." halt got angry and said "seek. finish up bandaging figure. I'm getting rid of her. she's annoying and I want her dead." I nodded and tried to quickly finish up figure while eyes tried to pull the knife out... I came over to him and helped him get it out then I tried fixing his arm, then when I was done I got back to figure and made sure he  didn't have any more small cuts...

eyes looked at me and said "karens. I hate them. at least I didn't get cut that bad... but seriously... is he okay?" I nodded and said "I think." then I said "well... I need to kinda do my job... see ya..." I dissolved into my puddle and teleported in the hallway where the Karen was... the Karen looked at me angrily, and tried to attack me but she couldn't. I was in my liquid/ nearly a puddle form... I jumped up and grabbed her by the hair and said "you better start running." so that's what she did and guiding light was lighting up a small path and I kept on chasing her and then I feel myself stopping, I couldn't move very well and then a chain held me on the floor and the Karen was holding a crucifix... oh- I remember this thing... then my legs were held with chains and my arms as well... then I felt it try to pull me down.. guiding light waved to me and said "sorry seek!" and then I broke free, crawling for a few seconds, then got back to running and I knew 'I really don't stand a chance, do I?' I thought to myself then I saw guiding light slam the door shut on my face, so I slammed on the door, harder this time, literally breaking it down and then the Karen and guiding light look at me, shocked and then I started to chase them again and I chased them all the way to door 89... then halt got in front of me and started chasing her, teleporting in front of her and me over and over again, we were both chasing her at the same time lol...

Figure's POV:

I wake up, eyes in front of me... I'm in my human form and then I realized my waist was bandaged up and tried to get up off of the bed and I almost fell before eyes caught me and pushed me back up... he looked at me and said "yeah... sorry about the Karen... you okay?"  I nodded and got up to make some coffee... he came with me, and then we sat down and he was staring at me, with awkward silence and then halt texted him "we got the Karen, she's fat. you think figure can help us carry her? were having roasted Karen for dinner :P" and then eyes asked me "hey, your arms feeling okay? because seek and halt need help carrying the pig of a karen..." I nodded and said "which door?" he looked at me and said "95." I guess I'm lucky I'm on door 93... so I walked over 2 rooms and then seek happily greeted me and I picked up the dead body...

we went over to door 33 and guiding light greeted  us, and looked at the body and she said "got her?, well thanks...:P you want me to cook it?" halt nodded and told me to give it to her so I carried it over to her and she helped me put it on the counter... now my back kinda hurts... but it's okay... I walked over to the couch with seek and he greeted me happily and said "are you okay?" I nodded and pat his head, while leaning back... then he leans on me and gives me a hug... then he pulled out his phone and we watched some back to school memes while guiding light, halt, and Jack helped eachother cook the cow *ahem* I mean Karen...


A/N: finally, the karen was killed :P and the entities have a nice dinner :P and also, figure is okay :P and they are watching memes... :P  also I know you probably won't answer this question, but I'm just curious, should I do and ask or dare chapter? or would that just be stupid?... :P

but anyway, thanks for reading.... :P

and I hope you liked this chapter lol and btw, the word count is 1524

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