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" Are you here to seduce the girls from my company, or is it just for me?" Yn questions teasingly to the boy seated parallel to her, his gaze only hardened, burning holes into her presence on the fact that she made him wait for half an hour. But those 30 minutes seemed pretty crucial for the girl, because flirting with him without any restraint was only possible because of this.


Connecting the call to elder Mr.Kim, Taehyung's father, yn felt really nervous, just like she felt that day on inauguration of Classic, her career kicked off that day, the thing that held utmost important to her until now. Yes, because now the man waiting downstairs has already freed the seal on her heart, allowing her to feel happy genuinely, and somehow this man who appeared just few days ago in front of her holds so much importance to him. Maybe I really fell for him at first sight. And now this phone call decides her relationship with Taehyung, she tended to be more careful.

Little did she know that Kim couple were the ones who was extremely elated seeing the news. They hoped to turn their friendship into relationship for a long time.

" Is This Mr.Kim? "

"Yes. It is. May I know your name? Don't consider it me being rude. It's just very few have my personal number ." Came his sweet yet stern voice.

" True. Dad, I mean Cha EunWoo is my dad, he forwarded me your number. I hope you won't mind." Yn tried to be as polite as she can be.

" You..... You're Woon's daughter, You finally remembered to call me. It's been so long I met you, how you're doing honey? I'm sure you don't even remember, we only met twice." His voice was filled with adornment for the girl, Yn faintly remembered her dad's friend but those were just faint memories of childhood. Yn smiled softly even though the person can't see it.


" Call me Uncle! And I have to thank you properly." Joonie said enthusiastically.

" Thank me, for what?"

" Because, my son always refused to reveal that he's my son, he don't want people to engage with him just because of his wealth and status as my son. So I followed his wish, but even after he has become successful he didn't want people to know that he's the hier of Kim's. I felt bad at one point, but now because of you everyone knows who is my son and I can brag about my son's hardwork and achievement to all those old foxes. So how can I not thank you tell me hun?" Namjoon said proudly, just like a proud father he is.

" I didn't knew there was such an aspect." Yn mumbled lowly.

" Anyway, enough of sentimental talks. I can understand your concern, so don't worry about me You've my support, if You need some tips you can ask from me. I have great experience in pursuing , and you're on the right path be as much shameless as you can." The elder Kim said with hastily laughter, Yn chuckled lightly too unable to hold her laugh. She was worrying for nothing, mr. Kim is indeed what people says about him, A perfect man worthy of his title of being the Business Tycoon.

" Thank you so so much, Uncle." Yn said freely her voice radiating her happiness. As if a burden lo lifted of her shoulder.

" Fighting! " Yn grinned hearing the message before the call disconnected.

* flashback ends*

" Quit flirting. I've had enough." Taehyung intimidating voice reverberated, but Yn just sighed heavily.

" Since you're angry, I won't tease you more. Say it, what brings you here?"

" That's better. I want you to get rid of these news. As quickly it can be." Taehyung stated, yn gave a curt nod to it, tae thought her to be feigning obedience.

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