~ Quandary ~

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That's what happened to me, when she trotted her way to me, in opulence of solemn. She always manages to oscillate me with her charm. How could I get so lucky to have her?Although I won't deny this luck, rather luxuriate and revel in it.

I grazed my lips, on her knuckles, later guiding her to Mercedes-Benz, one of the car's I have never used, but today I won't mind using it. She was all smiley , and to be honest it was unnerving, afraid that I'm not capable enough to sustain that happiness to her for long-term.

However, I have convinced myself that she's different, something just what I needed. A missing puzzle of my life, and to stash it, I will do anything within reason or not. Noting the intense gaze she held on me while I was fixing her seatbelt, I knew what she implores from me. In all honesty, I'm elated to do it.

So I pressed my lips, against her feathery ones, they taste as a drink from brink of heaven, so addictive always leaves me longing for more. The flavour of it pushes me to edge of insanity.
She looks a bit taken aback - consequence to some of my earlier injudicious set of actions - although she reciprocates it hastily, making me grin, no matter how strongly my inner beast yearned for this, I had to pull back.

Through the ride I majorly remained silent, occassionally nodding and humming to the stories Yn shared. It surprised me seeing her so talkative, but I kept the astonishment to myself. As I was glad to hear her, she never revealed much about her life. Albert we had that 'favourite things question' talk. But I knew nothing about her personal friends and familial relationships. She would sometimes talk about Sheena, but that's it. But today she told me about that guy from the party, and before my irrational- jealous self would take over, she talked about one of her childhood friend called as Kate - saying that he's dying to meet me - and his relationship with her secretary, the sweet girl, Jave.

Well that's a story in itself, when I barged into Yn's company demanding answers, Jave coaxed me to cool down. She was very sweet to me, and we kind of remained in contact, after that. And I was happy for her for having such a lovely love story that Yn narrated to me. And I hope someday we can also be the couple that everyone admires.

I pulled infront of the place, whose ostensible owner is me, although I have never accepted it as or taken account of any responsibility. However choosing this place for our first date, has a motive behind it. I wanted her to meet with a certain red head, Uncle Tom - a person very close to my heart - he has been teaching me culinary prowess for years. But he's more than a master to me, he's family. And Yn meeting with him, was a next step in our relationship, as I would let her invade the most intimate wall around my heart slowly.

The staff got stiff, noting I've arrived, I didn't plan on hiding from Yn that I owned this restaurant, but their actions are so stiff making it obvious, of something fishy, and knowing how adroit Yn is, it just took her a minute to drop the evident question at me.

"Why does the staff, looks at you as they're scared of you?" She jestingly probes, taking a seat at the table I reserved for us. I debate within myself before revealing the truth to her. She didn't show any kind of reaction to my words except perplexity.

"So, you're saying that you are the owner of one of the most gourmet restaurant accustomed with guest house." She declares mirth within her words, I just licked my lips not knowing how to reply to her declaration, albeit I nodded my head.

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